
Monday, September 30, 2019

Queen Elizabeth: Golden Age

Elizabeth’s Golden Age Elizabeth was Queen of England from 1558-1603. During that time England was a strong country and she was a successful queen. Many people thought Elizabeth would not last long without a powerful husband but they were proved wrong. In fact Elizabeth was very clever in not choosing a husband. She didn’t choose a husband because she didn’t want anybody taking over her throne. There were four men that she could have married but said no to. The first man was Philip of Spain. Philip of Spain had married Elizabeth’s sister Mary and was expecting Elizabeth to say yes to his proposal.Elizabeth turned him down though because she didn’t want to marry the same man as her sister and also Philip was a devout Catholic. The English didn’t like foreigners and hated Catholic ones even more. There had been a rebellion when Mary had married Philip. This was another reason why Elizabeth decided not to marry Philip. Another man whom Elizabeth could have married was Charles of Austria. She decided against him as well though because she thought that he would use England to fight his own wars and she didn’t want England to get caught up in other countries squabbles.Elizabeth could have also married a wealthy nobleman from a powerful English family but decided against him too as if she had married him then the other noblemen could have got jealous and started a rebellion. She was also clever in not marrying a nobleman because if she kept them all guessing then they would all remain loyal as they would all think that they had a chance to get some wealth and power. The last man of which she turned down was Robert Dudley who was a good looking man and whose wife had just passed away. Elizabeth turned him down too though as she thought that he might take the chance to steal her throne away from her.Even though Elizabeth was very clever in not choosing a husband that would take over all her power, some sexist historians w ill argue that although Elizabeth didn’t have a husband she had excellent Male advisors who helped and supported her throughout her reign. One of these men was William Cecil or Lord Burghley. During his time, William Cecil helped Elizabeth through her reign and was always there for her. He served her as secretary, served her as position of Lord Treasurer and together with the help of Sir Francis Walsingham devised an intricate spy network that helped uncover the Babington Plot.He was also instrumental in having Mary Queen of Scots executed and even when he had lost his hearing at the age of seventy, continued to serve Elizabeth who looked upon him as a father figure. He carried on serving Elizabeth all the way until his death in 1598. One of her greatest challenges was to hold England together despite the religious divisions amongst her people. Elizabeth did this by setting a middle road. Elizabeth wanted England to have peace and not be divided over religion. She tried to fi nd ways which both the Catholic and Protestant sides would accept and be happy.She made Protestantism the official religion in England. She did not call herself the Head of the Church of England, instead she was known as the Supreme Governor of the English Church. To please the Protestants she made all churches use the prayer book in English that Edward had used and allowed the priests once again to marry. To please the Catholics she made some changes to some words in the prayer book and also let priests were special vestments. She did not give way to extremists though and would punish them. Even though she would punish Protestants and Catholics she would always punish Catholics more severely.If a protestant extremist wrote a book saying anything bad or wrong about Elizabeth’s decisions to divide the country peacefully would have their writing hand chopped off to stop them writing any more books. But if a Catholic extremist was caught trying to convert someone to Catholicism then they would be arrested, tortured and then eventually hanged. Elizabeth’s treatment of the extremists may have seemed horrible but it got the message across and England ended up much better than it had started off. Elizabeth dealt with opposition from inside the country effectively.She didn’t only deal with extremists but also dealt with Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary returned to Scotland after her first husband’s death. She married again to her first cousin, Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley) four years later but their union was unhappy and in February 1567 there was a big explosion at their house and Darnley was found dead in the garden, apparently strangled. She soon married James Hepburn who was actually the main murder suspect for Lord Darnley’s murder. But soon after, following an uprising against the couple, Mary was imprisoned in a castle.After an unsuccessful attempt to reclaim the throne, Mary fled to England to seek protection from her first cousin, o nce removed, Elizabeth. Elizabeth had Mary arrested though as soon as she was in the country. This was because of the threat that Mary presented, who had previously claimed the throne to be her own. Mary spent nineteen years in custody, guarded in castles and manor houses across England until she was tried and executed by Elizabeth for her involvement in the Babington plot, a plot to assassinate Elizabeth.Elizabeth’s treatment of Mary not just helped stop the Babington plot but helped Elizabeth’s control of England too. This is because Elizabeth had executed one of the head Catholics which make the others think again and had also helped her since Mary would have been the next in line to the throne after Elizabeth. A successful ruler needs to keep her country safe. Elizabeth did this by defeating the Spanish Armada. Philip of Spain thought Elizabeth as an illegitimate ruler of England. Elizabeth had also helped the Dutch in the Dutch revolt against Spain.As retaliation, Philip sent out a fleet of ships, Armada, to invade and conquer England. The fleet set out with 22 warships and an intention of sailing through the English Channel. Philip’s plan was going well and the Armada had reached its first goal, to anchor at the coastal border area between France and the Spanish Netherlands. While awaiting communications from the army that would invade the South East of England, it was driven from its anchorage by an English fire ship attack. England had already defeated many of the Spanish ships so the Spanish fleet decided regroup and withdraw north.A return voyage to Spain was plotted and the fleet sailed into the Atlantic, past Ireland but severe storms disrupted the fleet’s course. More than 24 vessels were wrecked insuring that England had victory. There was one thing that got the Englishmen ready and motivated and that was Elizabeth’s speech. During her speech she said â€Å" I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, bu t I have the heart and soul of a King, and a Kind of England too! † Throughout her reign Elizabeth saw the importance of maintaining an image.She got artists to paint portraits of her throughout her life. But she didn’t just have normal portraits painted, she had them painted with significant things in. An example of this is that she would be wearing very expensive clothes to show she had wealth. During her paintings she could also have a bible in her hand to show that she held power over the religions, she could have a map in her hand to show that she ruled over the world and in one of her portraits she had Elizabeth Regina (Elizabeth Queen) written behind her.She is also clever in one of these photos as if you look at the top of the portrait you see the Spanish Armada sailing out to invade England on the left, Elizabeth herself is in the middle and then you have the wrecks of the Spanish Armada on the right. If we look for one single thing that made Elizabeth successf ul it must be her intelligence. I have chosen this because she was clever in not choosing a husband, she sorted out the religious divisions, she defeated an Armada with a single speech and also maintained a perfect image throughout. This is why, even today, her reign is known as The Golden Age. By Joe Tapper.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Entrepreneurship Versus Intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship1 Veronica MAIER2 Cristiana POP ZENOVIA Abstract This paper provides a review of theoretical studies on the concepts of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, pinpointing the similarities and differences between them. Entrepreneurship continues to thrive in almost all corners of the world. Entrepreneurs are reshaping the business environment, creating a world in which their companies play an important role in the vitality of the global economy. But there is not always necessary to establish a company in order to implement new ideas.A great potential lies in applying business principles within existing organizations. Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, human capital, business, leadership JEL classification: L26 Introduction Why are entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs suddenly more important today than before? An explanation to this question would be that the world is changing nowadays more rapidly under the influence of new technologies. T he increasing competition hinders our work. It does not suffice anymore to stand before our competitors simply driven by our will of competing; we have to bring something new to the market.Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs play a decisive role as they help the company (newly established or existing) to engage in new business and enter new markets. The concept of entrepreneurship is seen as the process of uncovering and developing an opportunity to create value through innovation and seizing that opportunity without regard to either resources (human and capital) or the location of the entrepreneur – in a new or existing company (Churchill, 1992). 1 2 Investing in people! Ph. D. scholarship, Project co-financed by the SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 2007 – 2013, Priority Axis 1. Education and training in support for growth and development of a knowledge based society†, Key area of intervention 1. 5: Doctoral and post-doctoral programs in support of research. Contract nr. : POSDRU/88/1. 5/S/60185 – â€Å"INNOVATIVE DOCTORAL STUDIES IN A KNOWLEDGE BASED SOCIETY† Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Veronica MAIER, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania E-mail:veronica. [email  protected] com Cristiana POP ZENOVIA, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania E-mail:cristina. [email  protected] com Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 971 Review of International Comparative ManagementIntrapreneurship represent the initiation and implementation of innovative systems and practices within an organization, by some of its staff under the supervision of a manager who takes the role of an intrapreneur, in order to improve the economical performance of the organization, by using a part of its resources, namely those that previously have not been used in an appropriate manner. Intrapreneurship improves the economical and financial performance of the company, by applying a more efficient use of the resources and by using a suitable motivational system for its employees (Istocescu, 2003).Similarities and differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship Unlike the entrepreneur, the intrapreneur acts within an existing organization. The intrapreneur is the revolutionary inside the organization, who fights for change and renewal from within the system. This may give rise to conflicts within the organization, so respect is the necessary key in order to channel these conflicts and transform them into positive aspects for the organization.Even though intrapreneurs benefit from using the resources of the organization for the implementation of the emerging opportunities, there are several motives why innovation is more difficult to implement in an existing organization, such as (Malek & Ilbach, 2004): †¢ The size: the bigger the organization the more difficult it is to have an overview of the actions of every employee †¢ Lack of communication: Specialization and separation, help in concentr ating on the areas of interest, but hinder communication. Internal competition: Internal competition amplifies the problem because instead of sharing the knowledge with others it borders the knowledge sharing. Everyone wants to keep the information for themselves. †¢ Feedback received in case of success/mistake: Costs in case of failure are too great and the reward for a successful outcome too small. Intrapreneurs must be allowed to commit mistakes, because such mistakes are an inevitable part in the entrepreneurial process. The recognition of success is also very rare.No company provides payment in advance for what an entrepreneur might accomplish, but a lot of them like to talk about the concept of intapreneurship and expected their employees to get involved and assume their risk. But finally, when motivated employees get involves and have success their only reward is a small bonus. †¢ Dullness: Many companies are slow and reluctant to change. Intrapreneurs bump many tim es into the well known sentence â€Å"We always did it this way†, which leaves little or no space to creativity.The willingness to try new things appears only when the company's shortcomings become apparent, but even so they don’t give room to an innovative leadership. †¢ Hierarchies: Organizational hierarchies compel employees to ask permission for actions that fall outside their daily duties. The more complex the hierarchy the more difficult it is to impose change. Hierarchies 972 Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 Review of International Comparative Management have also tended to create a short-term thinking.Employees on lower hierarchical levels have a â€Å"Victim-Mentality† due to a reduced area of action and reduced responsibilities. Those who wish to implement innovative ideas should first consider what the best option for them is: as an intrapreneur, as part of an existing organization, or an entrepreneur in a newly established company. In order to give an answer to this question an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both concepts is required. The table below helps someone decide what type of business best suits him after confronting him with the advantages and disadvantages that await him.Table 1: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: advantages and disadvantages ENTREPRENEURSHIP Advantages Disadvantages You are your own boss – independency †¢ Money pressure – giving up on the security of a regular paycheck The income increases †¢ Less benefits as the business is new You have the chance to be original You have part of excitement and adventure †¢ Long working hours †¢ Mistakes are magnified There are a lot of possibilities Salary potential – you decide upon your †¢ All decisions must be made alone own salary INTRAPRENEURSHIP Advantages Disadvantages Ability to stay in a friendly, well known †¢ Reward may not be up to expectation environment †¢ Innovation may not be appreciated Practicing your skills within an organizaaccordingly tion – lower risk †¢ You can be innovative but to a cerUsing companies resources, good name, tain limit – you are not your own knowledge boss Access to customers, infrastructure †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ After seeing the pros and the cons of each concept we think that it is useful to see also the similarities and differences between these two concepts.Morris & Kuratko (2002) are of the opinion that the literature is sometimes confusing in underlining what exactly makes an entrepreneur different from an intrapreneur and what they have in common. This is why they point out a serious a similarities and differences: Review of International Comparative Management Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 973 Table 2: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: similarities and differences †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Similarities Both involve opportunity recognition and definition. Both require a unique business concept that takes the form of a product, process, or service. Both are driven by an individual champion who works with a team to bring the concept to fruition. Both require that the entrepreneur be able to balance vision with managerial skill, passion with pragmatism, and proactiveness with patience.Both involve concepts that are most vulnerable in the formative stage, and that require adaptation over time. Both entail a window of opportunity within which the concept can be successfully capitalized upon. Both are predicated on value creation and accountability to a customer. Both entail risk and require risk management strategies. Both require the entrepreneur to develop creative strategies for leveraging resources. Both involve significant ambiguity. Both require harvesting strategies. Differences †¢ In start-up entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur takes the risk in intrapreneurship and the company takes the risk other than career-related risk. In start-up the individual entrepreneur owns the concept and business in intrapreneurship; the company typically owns the concept and intellectual rights with the individual entrepreneur having little or no equity in the venture at all. †¢ In a start-up potential rewards for the individual entrepreneur are theoretically unlimited where in intrapreneurship an organizational structure is in place to limit rewards/compensation to the entrepreneur/employee. †¢ In a start-up venture, one strategic gaffe could mean instant failure; in intrapreneurship the organization has more flexibility for management errors. †¢ In a start-up the entrepreneur is subject or more susceptible to outside influences; in intrapreneurship the organization is more insulated from outside forces or influence. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Source: Morris, 2000Other famous authors have also pinpointed some differences between entrepreneurship and i ntrapreneurship. Even though intrapreneurship is rooted in entrepreneurship (Amo & Kolvereid, 2005; Antoncic, 2001; Davis, 1999; Honig, 2001), there are several differences between these two concepts. In this context Antoncic & Hisrich (2003) note that while intrapreneurs make risky decisions by using the resources of the company, the entrepreneurs make risky decisions using their own resources (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003). Intrapreneurship takes place among employees from within an organization while entrepreneurship tends to mainly be externally focused (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003; Davis, 1999).Entrepreneurs prefer to develop tacit knowledge, in new organizations, instead of using procedures and mechanisms from other companies. On the other hand intrapreneurs work in organizations that have their own policies, procedures and bureaucracy (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003; Davis, 1999). 974 Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 Review of International Comparative Management Although there are sever al differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, they also have some connections because intrapreneurship is consistently positioned as entrepreneurship within organizations (Antoncic, 2001; Davis, 1999). Conclusions In this paper we have reviewed the literature, which explores both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and the relations between them.An important outcome of the review is the identification of the similarities and differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and also the advantages and disadvantages of both concepts. Nowadays, when we are facing economically difficult times, entrepreneurship and inrapreneurship are an excellent tool for breaking out of the trend trough innovation, by bringing something new on the market. Both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are instruments of innovation that help in creating new competencies and accessing new markets. Finally, without developing the insight towards these various aspects, no change of t he company can be realized, and changing, so adapting means in fact, the survival of that company.The value created yesterday, can mean nothing today, therefore only a sustainable company, who recognizes the difference between an entrepreneur and intrapreneur, can turn ideas and creativity into successful new values for tomorrow. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amo, B. W. & Kolvereid, L. (2005). „Organizational strategy, individual personality and innovation behavior† Journal of Enterprising Culture, 13(1), pp. 7-19. Antoncic, B. (2001). „Organizational processes in intrapreneurship: a conceptual integration†, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 9(2), pp. 221-35. Antoncic, B. , & Hisrich, R. D. (2003). â€Å"Clarifying the intrapreneurship concept†, Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development, 2003, pp. 724 Churchill, N. C. , â€Å"Reserch issues in entrepreneurship† (2003). n Antoncic, B & Hisrich, R, D, Clarifying the intrapreneurship co ncept, Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development, pp. 7-24 Davis, K. S. (1999). â€Å"Decision criteria in the evaluation of potential inrapreneurs†, Journal of Engineering & Technology Management, pp. 295327 Honig, B. (2001). „Learning strategies and resources for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs†, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 26(1), pp. 21-35. Istocescu, A. (2006). Intreprenoriat si intraprenoriat in Romania, Editura ASE, pp. 67-85 Review of International Comparative Management Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 975 8. Levesque, M. & Minniti, M. (2006). „The effect of aging on entrepreneurial behaviour†, Journal of Business Venturing, 2006. 9. Malek, M. & Ibach, P. K. (2004).Entrepreneurship. Prinzipien, Ideen und Geschaftsmodelle zur Unternehmensgrundung im Informationszeitalter, dpunkt. verlag, pp. 105-113 10. Merrifield, D. B. (1993). „Intrapreneurial corporate renewal†, Journal of Business Venturing, pp. 383-389 11. M olina, C. & Callahan, J. L. (2009). „Fostering organizational performance. The role of learning and intrapreneurship†, Journal of European Industrial Training, 33(5), pp. 388-400. 12. Nicolescu, O. & Nicolescu, C. (2008). Intreprenoriatul si managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii, Editura Economica, pp. 52-59 976 Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 Review of International Comparative Management

Saturday, September 28, 2019

World View

Using the concept of a ‘world view', identify some of the beliefs and attitudes, particularly to education and learning that you bring to your learning now. Reflect critically on how your worldview has been shaped by factors such as your gender, age or community. In your answer refer to Hobson (1996) and Samovar and Porter (2004) from the SSK12 Reader, and Chapter 1 in A Guide to Learning Independently (Marshall and Rowland, 2006, 1-18). The world view I hold in regards to education and learning is that it is a privilege made available to all of us within Australia. I believe that education is the key to the world. Education is the foundation of life. Everything in life revolves around education and learning. In this essay I will explain to you why I think education is a privilege and that education is an essential part of life. The factors that shaped this world view of mine are my family, age, gender and community. Firstly I will define they key term â€Å"World View† Hobson (1996, p 2) defines it as â€Å"the set of beliefs that we hold and through which we organise our understanding of ourselves and our understanding of others† an other way of defining world view is the way Samovar and Porter (2004, p 1) say that it is an â€Å"overarching philosophy† meaning an overall view. So my world view is formed because of these factors I am in my twenties, I am female, I live in Australia and I come from a family where education is highly valued as it is the key to success. My age impacted my world view towards education and learning. In 90’s at secondary school there was a lot of emphasis on completing your high school certificate (Year 12) and moving onto university learning. I did not however follow this philosophy of going to university. I always knew though that there were many options available to me, if later I wanted to return to study. I did know that I still needed to gain more education so that I could gain employment in a field of my choice. I chose to become a hairdresser and had to gain a Cert III in Hairdressing at a TAFE institution. I excelled in this learning environment and knew that knowledge meant power. I have that knowledge still with me now as I enter into university learning that knowledge means power. This knowledge will provide me with the power to continue my learning to better myself as a person. Having a baby and becoming a mother changed my life, it also made me realise even more so the importance of education and learning. Watching the way my son learnt new skills intrigued me, I wanted to learn more about educating children. This interest led me to explore my options about returning to study. There were so many options now that were not available when I finished school. I decided that I would enrol in a distance course a Bachelor of Education Early Childhood, so that I could still stay home with my child while he was in the most important stage of his life. When learning skills from me, would mean that his foundations for life would be set. I believe that I am privileged to have the opportunity to return to study, to change my career and also to increase my knowledge on education as knowledge is power. Family is the major contributing factor to my world view. My family always regarded education as a major priority and we all agreed that Education is the foundation for life. I believe now that I am a mother I can see even more so the truth behind what I believe and what my family believe about education. I know that providing my child and children in general with the best possible education while they are young will give them a good foundation to base the rest of there life on. Everything in life is about learning, from learning how to walk and talk, to learning to drive a car we are learning in every facet of our lives continually. Within my family, community and culture I believe gender is no barrier, when is comes to education and learning. In some cultures though, woman are seen as being not equal to that of a man. I n the Islamic world view women are definitely seen as a slave to a mans needs. In Samovar and Porter (2004, p1) they quote Bianquis. T. 1996) they see this point as well â€Å"Generally speaking woman as an individual was subordinated to man both Quran and the Hadith. God created woman from a fragment of a man’s body that she might serve him†. My mother was my role model that woman can be educated professionals, and she always instilled in me that woman can do anything a man can. My mother rose up above the notion of her time in the 70’s that woman were to stay home and run a household. So as a result of this I always k new that throughout my education being female would not be an issue. I believe that yes we are privileged to be able to gain a quality education irrespective of our gender. A belief I have is that education is the Foundation for life. If you stop and just think about your life you soon realise that everything you do in life is learnt. Everything we know today stems from education and learning. Just think about all the new drugs that are created to cure diseases, all this brilliance come from educated people that are learning about these diseases in order for them to create these miracles. They are using there educations in the best possible way by helping the people of the world. This is why I believe that education can change the world. What I bring to my learning now is that I understand where education stems from and that is the key and the foundation for life. I have had an up bringing that fostered learning and that is why I am now continuing to study and gain a degree in education. With this degree I will be able to teach Australia’s young children the foundations of learning. We all learn in different ways but we as human being are continually learning and thinking every minute of every day. The following quote from Marshall and Rowland (1996, p10) is proof of what I am saying â€Å"All of us are living and thinking subjects†¦Everybody both acts and thinks. The way people act or react is linked to a way of thinking, and of course thinking is related to tradition. † With this said I believe that yes thinking is a critical part of learning. The most important beliefs and attitudes I hold towards education and learning make me a better and more independent student. It is a privilege that here in Australia any body from anywhere in the world can come and gain an education. Education is a key to the world; anything can be achieved if you have the right education. Education is the foundation of life. Education and learning can even make the world a better place. My world view is shaped around these factors my age, gender community and most importantly my family. It is such a privilege that we are given the opportunity to learn. Education and learning is the way forward to the world being a better place!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why the US and China Are the Most Suitable Countries for Montar Essay - 1

Why the US and China Are the Most Suitable Countries for Montar Vehicles - Essay Example Such technology for the driver would include rear and front camera, automatic aid reversing the passenger are able to watch movies in surround sound whilst drinking their preferred beverage ‘ice cold’ from the drinks cooler provided. Executive options can be added for chauffeur driven styles like the hand-stitched leather upholstery, wooden oak glazed interior, making it a direct competitor to the existing high-end luxury car vehicles that are well established. The price range for these vehicles will be between  £100,000-  £350,000 depending on the car chosen, with the lower boundary competing with car brands Mercedes-Benz, BMW & Audi whilst the upper price boundaries will compete with the likes of Bentley, Maybach and Rolls Royce. To appreciate the high-price, high-end range of Monster vehicles, the customer must have a certain sensibility and regard for finer things. The customer will typically belong to the affluent class of society and will have a taste for exclusive, expensive things. He will also understand that driving a certain vehicle bespeaks a lot about a person’s individuality, preferences and personality. The Monster 2 door coupe and the 4 door saloon is a vehicle that would be aimed at the high net worth individuals that have the purchasing power to enjoy such a vehicle. The coupe is aimed at the younger members of the affluent class, aged between 18 and 35, who are looking for the classier driving experience. They have great-looking possessions, successful and happening lives and similar social circles to move in. On the other hand, the more prudent saloon is seen more like a chauffeur driven vehicle for the extremely wealthy, senior-level professionals and businessmen. The classy exterior would appease their aesthetic sensibilities and the comfortable, first-class interior would allow the passengers to travel in comfort. The target audience comprises of individuals who already own chauffeur driven vehicles like the Rolls Royce Phantom.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

U.S. Navy WWII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. Navy WWII - Essay Example against the American Navy after their failure at the Battle of Coral Sea.1 Nimitz already knew that the Japanese were planning to capture Midway Island as a way of extending their control of the Pacific. Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet believed that his troop could gain control of the Pacific only after an all-out naval battle with the American. In his plan, America would suffer defeat thereby making Japan free to conquer. Similarly, Yamamoto believed that Nimitz would not escape any major naval battle with the Japanese but the US Commander-in-Chief was not ready to evade any naval battle within the Pacific region. Yamamoto had planned on luring some of the American naval forces away from his main battlefield.2 Besides, he ensured that four of the eight Japanese aircraft carriers would be in the vicinity. Notably, the Japanese fleet consisted of some of the biggest battleships in the world known as Yamato the smaller battleships as well as other numero us cruisers and destroyers. Unfortunately, Yamamoto’s plan had two major defects. First, he believed in the supremacy of his battleship. This made him fail to realize that aircraft carriers could give a massive blow to them while at a far distance. Hence, Yamamoto believed that the aircraft carrier was the supporting machine in the battleship and not the other way round. Also, his battleships were much slower than all other warships that he initially had, and this caused the entire fleet to move at a pace that could only suit the slower battleships. The second defect was that the Americans knew the course of Yamamoto’s plan. Therefore, Admirals Spruance and Fletcher prepared their ships for an attack.3 As a result, Yamamoto’s plan of luring the American forces away from the main battlefield was not going to work. On June 2, Fletcher and Spruance took control of two task forces. Notably, Yamamoto had no idea that his fleet was sailing toward a large enemy force and his plans to

Make My Day Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Make My Day - Research Paper Example It protects citizens from charges if they apply force to resist an attack at their places of residence. Previously, it was difficult to quantify reasonable force to be used to dispel enemy attack, and many innocent citizens faced prosecution in case they confronted these burglars with any amount of force. This improved law justified the use of any force, including one that may result in the intruder’s death, to protect citizens from court litigations that may result in them serving a jail term (Willibanks, p. 182). Starting from Colorado, eighteen other states also joined the fray after they realized that it had substantially reduced its crime rates due to this change of approach in tackling crime. Among these states are: Alabama, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tennessee and Florida. Thesis statement Adoption of â€Å"Make my day law† in some American states reduced crime rates and general disorderliness that was being experienced at the time. â€Å"Make my day law† and crime rates In Oklahoma, the events that led to enactment of this law started from a real life experience of Dr. Frank Sommer. On a night as he was sleeping in his house in Tulsa, he heard sounds of two intruders in his garage. He picked his gun and headed downstairs to the garage to check what was wrong. As he looked through the keyhole of the door leading to his garage, he noticed two people busy ransacking his two cars. As he opened the door to confront the two, a sudden power failure made the garage dark and he could not locate exactly where the two burglars were. He then shot randomly, and one of the robbers was shot dead. The debates that arose thereafter were of the favor that the state adopts this law since you do not commit any crime when protecting what belongs to you. The mover of the bill, Senator Charles Ford expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that citizens must suffer when protecting their homes and families (Stout, p. 147). According to Clarke (p. 26), the effects of this legislation was immediately felt in this state; According to statistics provided by the authorities, within the first 6 months of its enactment, crime levels went down by half. In 1986, there were close to 60,000 robbery cases; this reduced to 31,656 by the year 2000. They go ahead to show that by the year 2003, eleven buglers were already killed by home owners. These indicators, however, only showed home robberies as the crime that was significantly reduced; all other criminal acts virtually remained constant. This was a first step towards actualizing a crime free society. The state of Florida is not keeping records on the impact of these new laws on crime levels; but information from the judicial circles indicates that cases of self defense have significantly reduced. This is attributed to the new law that guards citizens from litigations relating to crimes committed within their premises, in the event that the intruder suffers physical harm. I nitial â€Å"Make my day† law enacted in Florida was well intended, and helped reduce crime rate (Stout, p. 172). It set laws that protected the owners from prosecution when attacked in their home. The authorities eventually pushed for the tougher â€Å"stand your grounds† legislation that extended this immunity cover to business premises, along

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Contemporary Issues In World Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contemporary Issues In World Politics - Essay Example On the other hand, importing leads to the development of dependency of the receiving nation on foreign countries. It also leads to a reduction in national reserves thereby contributing to inflation. Moreover, local businesses as well as the labor market are threatened. On the other hand, the importing nation may experience security concerns especially with regards to high tech military hardware. These are addressed through ensuring that the imports are sourced from a trusted source to guarantee security. The decision to import or export is an economic development that influences the political interest of a nation state (Oatley, 2011). Nations react to influences that may have an impact on the military and economic strengths through export controls. A nation may resort to control its exports despite having the capacity to maintain an excessive export surplus over imports. Maintaining high export surplus may be interpreted by the recipient nation states as an aggressive policy that may have an impact on economic and military security hence the need to establish defensive mechanism for the purpose of safeguarding the security interests of the targeted nation for export. Trade affairs between nation states are therefore viewed cautiously in a political perspective (Sachs, 2006). Permission for imports from particular nations and not others is one of the tools that are applied in the establishment of the foreign policy of many nation states. It is applied to persuade governments to adhere to certain agreements that are meant to protect the interests of other nation states. For example, trade embargos have been enforced on countries such as Iraq by the US during the Saddam... This pressure is meant to protect the political and economic interests of the US that have often been threatened by global terrorism. The European Union countries also engaged in an economic agreement of adopting the Euro as their single currency, which would help to maintain economic stability. The treaty was politicized by the fact that its main aim was to bind the Cold War Alliance partners EU. For example, the agreement would prevent Germany from realigning itself with East and Central Europe. Generally, as Oatley observes, economic agreements generate political responsibilities that are prone to political exploitation. The global political economy is manifest through international trade and international relations. Exports increase the economic well being of the exporting country but a high export surplus may be viewed by other nation states as an aggressive policy that may not promote friendly international relations. Treaties such as NAFTA, WTO, and COMESA have been significan t in promoting international trade. Regional alliances among nation states present various economic and political challenges including a decline in democratic space. Nations that get financial assistance from these organizations are compelled to pass laws that serve the economic and political interest of the dominant economies that are involved in the management of the institutions. Generally, recourse to the global political economy is important in understanding world politics as presented in this paper.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The fundamental points at issue between the Keynesian and classical Essay

The fundamental points at issue between the Keynesian and classical traditions in UK - Essay Example It is known as Keynesian school of economic principle. It challenged classical economic thought that government has no role to play in correcting any economic disequilibrium. The great Depression helped in shaping many economic institutions including the Fed. Modern macroeconomics was also formed by the Great Depression. (Dornbusch and Fischer, 1994) This major economic recession originated in the U.S., but it spread to the rest of the world including the UK very soon. The Great Depression did last approximately for a decade. It was the period between early 1931 and March 1933 when the depression became great and spread to other nations. The period of Great Depression is mainly recalled for significant unemployment, massive poverty and political turbulence that it caused. For the period of 1931-1940, the rate of unemployment was hovering around 18 percent. During the period of Great Depression net investment was negative and there was a massive fall in consumer price index as well. B etween 1929 and 1933, the consumer price index dropped by 25 percent approximately. (Dornbusch and Fischer, 1994) Classical economists did not provide any elaborate explanations for such a huge economic downturn in developed nations like UK, USA and others. However, Keynes has recognized unchecked market movement as the prime reason behind such a great economic downfall. Classical economists mainly focused on the supply side of the economy to search for reason for this depression. However, Keynes held the aggregate demand side of the economy with great importance and recommended counter cyclical fiscal measures to improve aggregate demand. During 1933-1937, some recovery took place in the economy. Real GNP experienced a rapid growth at a rate of almost 9 percent annually. This rapid growth in GNP, however, fell to make a significant fall in the rate of unemployment. In 1938, another economic recession struck the economy and pushed unemployment rate up to 20 percent once again. The G reat Depression caused a number of nations to change their political structure as many economists including Keynes considered this severe recession a result of unchecked capitalism. (Dornbusch and Fischer, 1994) This paper will focus on the major points of differences between Keynesians and Classical school of thoughts placing focus on UK economy. 2. Keynesian versus Classical There are two major schools of thought in the field of macroeconomics- Keynesian and Classical. Like other developed nations, UK used to follow Classical policy tools to deal with its economic situation. However, all the Classical measures that used to place major focus on supply side with no government interventions failed drastically at the time of Great Depression of 1930s. This failure of Classical policy tools had persuaded UK economic policy makers to take into account suggestions by Keynes. The UK economy had once again set itself on the path of economic growth by moving from the way of unchecked market capitalism towards government regulated market economy. This section will focus on three core areas of differences between Keynesian and Classical- the area of aggregate demand, the role of investment and government intervention.. 2.1 Role of Aggregate Demand Keynesian Economics contradict Classical Say’s Law which stresses supply side of the economy. Keynesian Economics has emphasized on demand side and considered effective demand to be the most

Monday, September 23, 2019

Unemployment Halts Globalisation (Pros and Cons) Essay

Unemployment Halts Globalisation (Pros and Cons) - Essay Example Unemployment Halts Globalisation (Pros and Cons) The fourth section before the conclusion will discuss the pros and cons of the fact that unemployment halts globalization. Unemployment With reference to the writings by Stringham and Workman (2004), they wrote that unemployment is a situation whereby people who are willing and able to work are not able to work since they do not have employment opportunities. The causes of unemployment are classified into two categories that include transitional unemployment causes and structural unemployment causes (Stone and McCraw, 2009). Under transitional causes, it is stated that unemployment is caused by temporary reasons such as; Turnover of unemployment whereby people leave their jobs to take up other jobs Casual unemployment which occurs on employees who are engaged as casual workers Seasonal unemployment, which is experienced in an industry that faces seasonal demand for its goods and services. Under structural causes, Layard et al. stated that unemployment is caused by structural changes in the economy such as: †¢ Economic depression, which normally results in low demands of goods and services meaning that employment opportunities diminishes †¢ Technological changes causes unemployment to a group of employees who are not fully conversant with the operational use of the newly introduced technology †¢ Rural to urban migration, which results in urban unemployment Other causes of unemployment include: †¢ Overpopulation †¢ Lack of capital †¢ Lack of proper training and education †¢ Lack of occupational specialisation ... s, local governments, and citizens of different countries, with investments and international trade acting as the driving force and is catapulted by information technology is known as globalization. Greenaway et al. (2008) further added that the integration and interaction of different economies and people of different economy has a very huge impact on the political system of these countries that integrate and interact as their cultures, environment, economic success and development are also greatly affected by globalization Godinot (2012) wrote in his book that the main distinctive characteristic of globalization is capitalism as it promotes self-sufficiency and reliance on individuals in order to enable them to become masters of their own destiny. Jagdish (2004) on his part stated that globalization is mainly concerned with making people and the market free. In addition, it is a system that allows economy to grow without any interference and with the assumption that there is no pov erty and the main pillars or building blocks of globalization constitute of technology, economy, market, and capital. The relationship between unemployment and globalisation From the causes of unemployment that were listed above it can be stated that the impact of globalization also contribute to unemployment, in the sense that Dreher et al. (2005) stated globalization is facilitated by high advanced technology and relocation of people from rural areas to urban areas, which has been touted as one of the causes of unemployment. On the other hand, Nadeem (2009) stated that increased levels of unemployment result in lower demands of goods and services, which means that both local and foreign goods and services will not experience high demand thereby, mostly limiting foreign companies from

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Compare and Contrast Early Civilization Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Early Civilization Essay Some of the characteristics in the Indus River Civilization were Harappa Civilization which was formed along the Indus River. On other hand River Dynasties in China was developed in a River Valley. Major cities which were Kalibangan, Mohenjo-Daro, and Harappa. The cities were organized planner, they made of brick to prevent flooding, as well as bathrooms and sewers. The cities in China were divided into class, floods was one of their environmental challenges. The Indus River was more of a peaceful place that had no military. They were never at war because of their dry climate and on each side was water. The River Dynasties in China they were constantly at war and had no obstacles. China and its dynasties are the foundation of this long history. These early dynasties were long recorded and remembered through the oral history. The Xia dynasty was the first dynasty of Ancient China to exist. The Xia Dynasty began in 2100 B.C. and lasted up to 1800 B.C. The period was the beginning of a class society in Ancient China. The Shang Dynasty developed in response to the faults of the Xia dynasty. Monsoons – seasonal winds that dominate India’s climate. Winter monsoons are dry and summer monsoons are wet. The family was central to Chinese Society. The elder men in the family controlled the family’s property and made important decisions. Women were treated as inferiors and were expected to obey their fathers, their husbands and later their own sons. China believed that the spirits of family ancestors had the power to bring good fortune or disaster to living members of the family. Unlike China stayed praying to a different supreme god who dealt with rain, wine and thunder named Shang Di. Even the way the two civilizations worshipped their gods was different, the Indus seemed to have been more passive about their religious values unlike the people in China who had had actual rituals. Some of the religious differences that the Indus and China were the civilizations that they believed in. The Indus worshipped a god named Harappan who was a protective image to them, that and praising abundance. In their culture they had a theocracy.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Socrates And Epicurus And Life After Death Philosophy Essay

Socrates And Epicurus And Life After Death Philosophy Essay The idea of death is discussed by both Socrates and Epicurus, with both philosophers having a mutual belief that it should not be feared. Socrates view is that there is either an afterlife, or that death is an eternal sleep. Whereas Epicurus bases his belief on the fact that we should not fear that which does not inflict suffering. In this paper, I will examine both Epicurus and Socrates view on death and argue why I feel Socrates view on death is more rational than Epicurus. If we begin with Socrates and his idea of life after death, we can see that he implies death brings the soul to a better place. In Socrates final speech to the congress that denounces him to death, he states that either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another (Plato, p. 8). His reasoning for this view is that death will free him from judgment associated with his present life, and allow him to face judgment by the true judges outside of the present world. He states that once he dies, he would be able to converse with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer? Nay if this be true, let me die again and again (Plato, p. 8). This again re-iterates the fact that Socrates feels that his death sentence should not be seen as a bad or painful event. Furthermore, Socrates other view on death is that if it is anything like a sleep in which there was no disturbances by dreams, anyone would agr ee that it is a pleasant state of being (Plate, p. 8). In the works of Epicurus  Principal Doctrines,  we are introduced to his distinct views on death. His reason for not fearing death is the absence of suffering; if one does not suffer through death, then one shall not have a reason to fear death. Everyone is either alive or dead, death does not cause suffering to the living since we are not yet dead, and death does not cause suffering to the dead simply because they are dead and have no feelings (Epicurus, pp.  26-28)1.  Therefore, fear should only be present if one undergoes suffering, and since one does not experience suffering during death, then death should not be feared.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When comparing both philosophers, it is evident that Socrates view of death is more credible than Epicurus. In Socrates view of death, there are two possible outcomes, either eternal sleep or an afterlife. Socrates provides possible ends to post death, whereas Epicurus definition is perplex and draws several questions, such as his classification of pleasure and justice.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As with most philosophers, Socrates views werent shy of criticism. Most critics of his work question the idea whether an after-life may even exist. It is easy to diminish such an argument since Socrates was never concrete about his view of the after-life, he himself thought of a possibility of a death without an after-life. To this, Socrates argues that if there were no after-life, it would be a state of nothingness, and would be a state of eternal sleep which would be as enjoyable as an afterlife, enjoyed in the same sense as much as a dreamless sleep is enjoyed. Another criticism to Socrates work is by the author Thomas Nagel in his writing Death. In his writing Nagel criticizes Socrates view of a conclusive life stating that death cuts short the ability of people to live a just life as long as possible, and asks the question if one were to achieve a just life, wouldnt they want to achieve it for as long as possible. Socrates replies stating that if it was truly a just life, it would be fulfilling regardless of the amount of time. In contrast, Epicurus rebuttals to his critics are not as concrete as Socrates. Epicurus perception of death creates confusion in regard to his idea of pleasure and justice. He had stated in his context that it is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and honorably and justly, and it is impossible to live wisely and honorably and justly without living pleasantly (Epicurus, p. 26). Hence, Epicurus definition of justice lies in the pleasure of the majority of people. His belief had only risen among his own thoughts and not others since he based the affiliation between justice, pleasure, honour and wisdom on the single supposition that the majority of people would reciprocate these same beliefs, yet not everyone feels the same. Epicurus design of justice can be closely related to the Holocaust, also known as World War II. The persuasive Adolf Hitler took charge of the destruction during this time period by compelling the majority of the country to absorb his political views as he governed that it was the best for all of them. Hitlers forceful method is seen as plausible through Epicurus theory, since the greater part of the country found pleasure in his views in thinking that they were prospering the country. Epicurus justifies the notion of murder by inducing rationality into the picture, the more rational one thinks, then the more logical they will act, hence preventing deadly acts from occurring. Hitler had solely relied on swaying people into believing that his path was the only rational path that can lead their country justice. Epicurus too fell on this proposition in using only raw thoughts to conclude his theory that his definition of justice and pleasure would be consented amongst everyone. Culture, religion and society all influence a persons perception on the simplest fixations. From this notion, it is evident to see that Epicurus proposal of allowing rationality to claim superiority over murderous intention is a result of his unproven beliefs. Epicurus was too naÃÆ' ¯ve in thinking that everyone would side on his definition of justice and pleasure, concluding him with an imprecise theory. Residing on purely rationality does not validate Epicurus theory of justice and pleasure, for anyone can rationalize any means of destruction through their own perception. As mentioned before, there are several concepts that are taken into consideration when a person performs an act, and depending on just one thought is not an erroneous way to justify a theory.considering the complexity of the human mind and Therefore, purely assuming that through rational thinking, murderous thought can be eliminated is not so simple, for human minds are too complex for such a generalization to have ef fect. In comparison to both perspective of Socrates and Epicurus, Socrates had a more justifiable and plausible method to his beliefs, hence making it more persuasive that Epicurus. Socrates had a solid foundation and a reasonable definition to his idea, whereas Epicurus simply presumed on rational thinking to motive his beliefs. Therefore in my opinion I would choose Socrates, for her had a realistic ground by taking into consideration the complexity of the human mind and addressing both possibilities to our end.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Fight for Sanity in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essay

The Fight for Sanity in The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper is partly autobiographical and it illustrates the fight for selfhood by a women in an oppressed and oppressive environment.   In the story, the narrator is not allowed to write or think, basically becoming more dysfunctional as she is entrapped in a former nursery room where bars adorn the windows and the bed is nailed to the floor.   In this story there is an obstinacy on behalf of the narrator as she tries to go around her husband's and physician's restrictions, however, there is no resisting the oppressive nature of her environment and she finally surrenders to madness even though it represents some kind of selfhood and resistance because it allows her to escape her oppression, "She obsesses about the yellow wallpaper, in which she sees frightful patterns and an imprisoned female figure trying to emerge.   The narrator finally escapes from her controlling husband and the intolerable confines of her existenc e by a final descent into insanity as she peels the wallpaper off and bars her husband from the room" (Gilman, 1999, 1).    Gilman herself suffered from post-partum hysteria and was treated by a famous doctor of the era, one who prescribed his famous "rest cure", the same cure the female narrator cannot tolerate and defies in The Yellow Wallpaper.   In this story the narrator remains nameless and there is good reason for it.   She feels as if she has no identity or control over obtaining fulfillment and unity and satisfaction in life.   Her husband is a doctor who also prescribes complete rest for her and is opposed to her doing the one thing that seems to give her a unique voice, writing.   Thus, the narrator defies her... ...ation of the personality)" (Brown, 1999, 1).   Gilman shows how this descent is inevitable in such an oppressive environment, unless, of course, one is as strong as Gilman herself in overcoming such an environment.      Works Cited The Yellow Wallpaper. http://members.aol.com/luvthebard/111/yellowwallpaper.html, Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2. Brown, B. D.   A Psychological Approach to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper. http://www.usinternet.com/users/bdbourn/yellow.htm, Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2. Dewey, J.   Art and Education: A Collection of Essays.   Pennsylvania, The Barnes Foundation Press, 1954. Gilman, C. P.   Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader.   New York, Pantheon Books, 1980. Gilman, C. P. Charlotte Perkins Gilman:   The Yellow Wallpaper. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/gilman87-des-.html, Aug. 2, 1999, 1-2.   

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Religion in early Virginia :: essays research papers

In a harsh new world, Virginia's English colonists were supported by an ancient and familiar tradition, the established church. The law of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of everyday life in Virginia, the lines blurred between religious and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their power over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legal restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a struggle for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence. Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans beyond sanction. But English colonists made only fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians further inland proved resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in great numbers until evangelicals began gathering Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although some blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginia's celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited meaning for African-Americans until after the Civil War. The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of habit and a desire for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginia's elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provided a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a minister's sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the Religion in early Virginia :: essays research papers In a harsh new world, Virginia's English colonists were supported by an ancient and familiar tradition, the established church. The law of the land from 1624 mandated that white Virginians worship in the Anglican church (The Church of England) and support its upkeep with their taxes. Where religion was an integral part of everyday life in Virginia, the lines blurred between religious and civil authority. Virginia gentlemen, who supported establishment but disliked centralized church authority, gained control of parish vestries and county courts to secure their power over religious matters. Despite establishment, the religious life of white Virginians was not without diversity. Dissenters from many Protestant groups had settled in the colony from early on, and had long resented the legal restrictions placed on their own practice of religion. Finally, after about 1750, evangelical Christians started a struggle for religious freedom parallel to and often opposite from the wider struggle for political independence. Although Anglicans tolerated Protestant dissenters, they found the traditional religious views of Native Americans and Africans beyond sanction. But English colonists made only fitful efforts to bring blacks and Indians into the established church. The Powhatans and Indians further inland proved resistant to Christianity. For blacks, the oppression of slavery inevitably forced them to abandon a purely African worldview. Still, they did not come to Christianity in great numbers until evangelicals began gathering Christians from both races after the mid-eighteenth century. Although some blacks and whites formed bonds through their shared evangelical experience, Virginia's celebrated statute for religious freedom would have only limited meaning for African-Americans until after the Civil War. The Anglican gentry in Virginia long had a reputation for shallow faith and attendance at church was more of habit and a desire for social contact than piety or zeal. Historians have begun to reevaluate this oversimplified view. They now characterize many of Virginia's elite as sincere attachments to a moderate faith that provided a standard for judgment. Faith was only a private and family affair. Reflections on a minister's sermons, for example, were discussed within the family group or recorded in diaries, such as those of William Byrd II and John Blair of Williamsburg. The spread of religion in eighteenth-century life inspired the motifs used in the design of some household furnishings. Inscriptions on this pot encouraged the hostess, as she poured coffee, to "keep her conversation as becometh the lord" and her company to remember the comforting words of the twenty-third psalm, "the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Changing Family Values Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Changing Family Values "Imagine that, one day in 1960, all radio and television transmissions had been interrupted by a special message from some Cosmic Census Bureau forecaster: 'Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts and hang on to your hats. Over the next twenty-five years, all standard demographic indicators will rise or fall steeply. Divorce rates, rates of mothers' participation in the labor force, and rates of birth outside marriage will double. Birth rates overall will drop. By the end of the 1980s, more than half of your future citizens will be spending at last part of their childhood in a single-parent home. Oh, and by the way, there will be a sexual revolution, to which all are cordially invited.' Who would have believed it?" Imagine that... Imagine a world where people who are completely miserable within the confines of a bad marriage have the freedom to leave. Imagine a world where women -- WOMEN -- women with children -- dare to enjoy a career that gives their life meaning, that reinforces their sense of self-worth and independence. Imagine a world where sex isn't a taboo to be hidden behind bedroom doors in suburban houses where meek wives greet misogynistic husbands at 5 pm with a turkey dinner and a smile. Who could have believed it? Who could have believed it in a world where women had, in all reality, just recently gained the right to vote for their leaders in this country. Who could have believed it in a 1960s America where women stayed home and raised children and when the children were done being raised they just kept on staying home. Who could have believed it in a culture, that even so far ahead of so many others in the world, expected females to serve, and to do so quiet... ...ice. While we're at it, why don't we just re-institute racial segregation in schools and can affirmative action altogether and strengthen immigration laws and ban girls from attending universities. Let's just take a giant step, or two or three or four or a hundred, back and see how much better life is. Let's do it and see how much better our kids turn out. Let's do it and see how long it takes for people to get fed up and want things back the way they used to be. Change is hard, and in a relatively short time, the economic system of this country and the dynamic of the American family has changed drastically. This is bound to produce some negative effects. That is no reason to be up in arms against feminism and against mothers in the workforce. Do your best with your own children, that's all our parents could do, and that's all we can really ask of anyone.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture Essay

I would like to talk about the culture dictionary, more specifically about the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. The importance of such dictionaries became unquestionable when the culturological approach to the study of languages appeared. This approach means the unity of the language and culture. To acquire a language, a person should have the knowledge of special features of communication, behavior, people’s mind, habits, values, traditions in the country which language he/she learns. Surely, the history and specific features of the particular country are embodied in its language. A language is a part of a culture. So the more you know culture of a particular country, the more you understand its language. In the most of dictionaries you can find cultural information and culture words. For example, â€Å"Whitehall† and â€Å"fly-fishing† in the Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus online, â€Å"Big Ben† in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English online. КÐ °Ã'€Ã'‚Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¸ Ð ºÃ °Ã'€Ã'‚Ð ¸Ã ½Ã ºÃ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. But if we compare these words with the same words in the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, we will see that the second dictionary gives us more information and explanations about particular words and even gives us a lot of illustrations. So I would like to talk about this dictionary. It is published by the Oxford university press. This is the most up-to-date Guide to British and American culture that gives us an insight into what’s important in both countries today, what’s popular, and what people feel strongly about. It’s written for learners of English, in language that’s easy to understand. This Guide includes 10 000 entries of such areas as history, monuments, legends, festivals, music, food, shopping, literature and so on. It also includes special entries with extra vocabulary on topics such as advertising, football, beer and soap operas. This vocabulary is highlighted in dark type. So let’s look at entries of this dictionary and find out what information we can find there. Entry words or phrases are in dark type. Almost Each entry has grammar information. ( a part of speech, if it is a noun (countable or uncountable, plural or single, if it is a verb, transitive or intransitive), information about the usage of this word or phrase. Many words have the derivatives section which is marked by the special symbol. Many words have a transcription and in some entries we can see both British and American pronunciation. And we can see the information bout a stress. Many words have subject, regional or stylistic labels. If we look at some entries we can see the number in round brackets. It indicates what sense this meaning refers to. For example, the word Manhattan in this entry has the number one. It means that this word is given in the first sense. Many entries have words that are marked by the special symbol ( a star). It indicates an item with its own entry. In this dictionary there are special notes that can help to find out not only the meaning of a particular word but also offer the vocabulary on this topic. The vocabulary is highlighted in dark type. Above some head words we can see numbers. They distinguish separate entries for people, places, etc with the same name. In entries that give the information about people we can see numbers in round brackets that indicate birth and death dates or birth of a living person. In this dictionary there are a lot of â€Å"dummy† entries referring to main entries elsewhere. It can help to find a particular word if you know only its abbreviation. Also the entry gives information about an abbreviation. In some entries there are variants of head words (entry words) and explanations of uncommon words used in entry. There are a lot of examples of their usage in italic type. Many words have many senses. So in entries we can see separate numbered parts. In entries there are cross-references to contrasted entries and related entries. Also this dictionary is very good because it has a lot of illustrations and well-known quotations associated with a character or a person and extracts of famous poems. In this Guide there are boxes with additional information. In entries we can see cultural connotations. Inside front cover we can find information about abbreviations, symbols and labels used in the Guide. Inside back cover there is information about pronunciation and phonetic symbols. In this Guide there are colour pages on history and institutions of Britain and the USA (Maps, history, political parties, education, the Legal System and so on) Using this Guide you can get ideas of what to read. You can choose from lists of books that won the Booker and other prizes plus suggestions for further reading. In conclusion, Id like to say that the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture is a great choice for people who want to find out as much as possible about the culture of Great Britain and the USA without visiting these countries.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Note on Cheerleading Essay

Cheerleading. When you hear that word, what do you think about? Snobby, skinny blonde girls that have nothing else to do in life besides smile and wear short skirts? Well, when I hear that word, I think of confident, courageous and athletic young women who have a chance to be someone else on a gym floor. Cheerleading is full of so many opportunities! I’ve been a cheerleader for four years and it has done so many things. But before that all happened, my life was just simple. I was nervous to talk in crowds, my face turned red when people wanted to speak to me, and I acted shy in many other ways. I wouldn’t say I was a nobody. I mean, I was a somebody, but just not a positive, talkative student who enjoyed attention. In 7th grade, signing up for cheerleading was a hassle. I didn’t want to sign up all by myself. So I convinced some of my friends to sign up with me. Unfortunately, they quit right before try-outs because they weren’t that interested anymore. So basically, I felt all by myself. But I hung on. I cheered all the cheers, chanted all the chants, stretched all the stretches, and jumped all the jumps. Cheerleading was fun. It changed my life in just three months. I felt as if I was â€Å"coming out of my shell.† But more was to come freshman year. Signing up for cheerleading in freshmanwas easy. But it was the wait for the season to actually start that was aggravating! Eventually, time slowly came by and it was , 2009, the first day of practice, and that was a wake-up call. There was a new, more professional coach, and only one girl from last year was back to be on the squad. So it was time to meet other people for a change and make more friends. New cheers were being taught from the captains of the High School Cheerleaders. Who knew that I’d get the highest score in try-outs and become head captain? Well, I did, and a captain is supposed to lead everyone. That’s what let me be myself. I was able to help everyone understand what to do, when to do it, and stand in front of a crowd by having a different uniform than the other non-captains on the team. Games are my favorite. Just running onto the floor is a rush, and I plan to do that for at least four more years. Yes, I want to be on the High School Cheerleading squad! I’m confident I will make it, and I’m not scared to try. The high school coach has been to some of our practices and I could tell she was impressed. I guess I have to wait a year to see what she says. GO, BULLDOGS! As you can see, there’s been a drastic before and after. Before, I was a shy girl who was just average. Now, I’m a young woman who has a good sense of self-confidence!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Good and Evil in Bless Me Ultima Essay

The conscious of children is based on the influence of their surroundings; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe. In the novel Bless Me, Ultima the main character Antonio is exposed to good and evil. He is young and never really was exposed to evil since he is always home and safe away from it. Antonio is affected by the actions of good and evil throughout the book. The first time Antonio encountered evil was Lupito’s death. â€Å"I turned and ran. The dark shadows of the river enveloped me as a race for safety home†¦The horror of darkness had never been so complete as it was for me that night. † (pg. 22) Home is seen as the safest place for Antonio. He knows he is going to be comforted by Ultima or his mother and it’s the first place he thinks of going. Lupito is playing the part of evil. That is how Antonio sees is because all the men in town are after him† I prayed that he would listen to Narcisco and that the angry and frustrated men on the bridge would not commit moral sin† (pg. 21) Although Lupito is part of â€Å"evil† in the novel, Antonio doesn’t want anything to happen to him. Antonio is very religious and is why he doesn’t want anything to be done. He doesn’t want the men to sin and believes that God will forgive what Lupito did after all. The Second important encounter is when Florence dies. â€Å"It was a warm day. I felt the sweat cold on my face and arms. The sun Glistened on the wide waters of the lake. † (pg. 239). Antonio knows something is wrong when he sees the other boys screaming and shouting. At this point Antonio has confronted evil many times but this is an important event. After other occasions he has matured quite a bit and is growing into understanding life a little more. â€Å"It is god who has sinned against me! ’ his voice thundered, and we fell back in horror at the blasphemy he uttered. † (pg. 213)Florence for a while is seen as evil. He was one of the people who in a way corrupted the way Antonio thought and his beliefs. Florence isn’t aware he did such thing but Antonio stands strong with his religion. When Florence dies, he isn’t evil anymore. He is just a child that needed help in guiding him. The death affects Antonio for weeks and Ultima always seeks a way I how to comfort him. The last encounter in the whole novel is Ultima dying. â€Å"Ultima-’ I wanted to cry out, don’t die, Ultima. I wanted to rip death away from her and the owl. † (pg. 260) Since birth, Antonio is very attached to Ultima and the first day he met her as a young man she knows there would be something special between them. Shanking her hand he as well right away knows that there is something unexplainable. Ultima is the one who shows and guides him into whatever he needs to know since no one ever takes the time to do so. â€Å".. and after mass we would take her body to the cemetery in Las Pasturas for burial. But all that would only be the ceremony that was prescribed by custom. Ultima was really buried here. Tonight. † (pg. 262) Ultima is the good who people make her seem evil. Others try making Antonio believe that she isn’t a good person but him and his family knows for a fact that it isn’t true. Tenorio is the Evil throughout the book. His stubbornness doesn’t let anyone get through to him and gets others to think that Ultima isn’t good. In the end she is exposed to everyone but there is nothing that could be done since she has passed away. Antonio is devastated but has grown. There is nothing that could be done. Good and evil stream throughout the novel. Antonio is affected by events that don’t necessarily include him. Lupito’s death, Florence’s death and Ultima’s death all cooperated in changing Antonio. He is a strong young man that before is ignorant and wasn’t exposed to events in life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mexico: the Yucatan Peninsula

Mexico: The Yucatan Peninsula The Yucatan Peninsula is located in southeastern Mexico, which separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico, on the northern coastline on the Yucatan Channel. The Yucatan Peninsula lies east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, a northwestern geographic divider separating the region of Central America from the rest of North America. The Yucatan Peninsula comprises of the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo; the northern part Belize; and Guatemala's northern subdivision of El Peten. Geology The peninsula is the exposed part of the large Yucatan Platform. The Yucatan Peninsula is an unconfined flat lying erosion landscape. Sinkholes, locally called cenotes are widespread in the northern lowlands. According to the Alvarez hypothesis, the mass extinction of the dinosaurs at the transition from the Cretaceous (K) to the Tertiary (T) Periods (the K-T Boundary) 65 million years ago was caused by an asteroid impact somewhere in the Caribbean Basin. The deeply buried Chicxulub Crater is centered off the north coast of the peninsula near the town of Chicxulub. The now-famous â€Å"Ring of Cenotes† outlines one of the shock-waves from this impact event in the rock of ~65 millions years of age, The presence of the crater has been determined first on the surface from the Ring of Cenotes, but also by geophysical methods, and direct drilling with recovery of the drill cores. Water resources Due to the extreme erosion nature of the whole peninsula, the northern half barely consists of any rivers. Where lakes and swamps are present, the water is marshy and is not suitable for drinking water. The thousands of sinkholes, locally called Cenotes throughout the region provide access to the groundwater system, and the cenotes have long been relied on by ancient and contemporary Mayan people. Vegetation The short and tall tropical jungles are the predominant natural vegetation types of the Yucatan Peninsula. The boundaries between northern Guatemala (El Peten), Mexico (Campeche and Quintana Roo), and western Belize are still occupied by the largest continuous tracts of tropical rainforest in Central America. However, these forests are suffering extensive deforestation. Etymology There is a popular myth that the name Yucatan comes from the Yucatec Maya phrase for â€Å"listen how they speak,† or â€Å"I don't understand your words† — supposedly said by contact period Maya, when the first Spanish explorers asked, what the area was called. The proper derivation of the word Yucatan is widely debated. However, it is also claimed that the actual source of the name â€Å"Yucatan† is the Nahuatl (Aztec) word Yokatlan, â€Å"place of richness. † People The Yucatan Peninsula comprises a significant proportion of the ancient Maya Lowlands. There are many Mayan archaeological sites throughout the peninsula; some of the better-known sites are in Chichen Itza, Tulum and Uxmal. Indigenous Mayans and Mestizos of partial Mayan descent still make up a sizable portion of the region's population, and Mayan languages are still widely spoken there. Economy In the late historic and early modern eras, the Yucatan Peninsula was largely a cattle ranching, logging, chicle and henequen production area. Since the 1970’s, the Yucatan Peninsula has fixed its economy towards tourism, especially in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Once a small fishing village, Cancun in the northeast of the peninsula has grown into a thriving city. The Riviera Maya, which stretches along the east coast of the peninsula between Cancun and Tulum, houses over 50,000 beds and is visited by millions of tourists every year. The best-known locations are the former fishing town of Playa del Carmen, the ecological parks Xcaret and Xel-Ha and the Mayan ruins of Tulum and Coba. Climate Like much of the Caribbean, the Yucatan Peninsula lies within the Atlantic Hurricane Belt, and with its almost uniformly flat terrain, it is vulnerable to these large storms coming from the east. The 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season was a particularly bad season for Mexico's tourism industry, with two forceful category 5 storms hitting, Hurricane Emily and Hurricane Wilma. The 2006 Atlantic Hurricane Season was a typical year which left the Yucatan untouched, but in the 2007 Atlantic Hurricane Season Yucatan was hit by the Hurricane Dean (which is also a category 5 storm); nevertheless Hurricane Dean left little damage on the peninsula despite heavy localized flooding. Strong storms called nortes can quickly descend on the Yucatan Peninsula any time of year. Although these storms pummel the area with heavy rains and high winds, they tend to be short-lived, clearing after about an hour. The average percentage of days with rain per month ranges from a monthly low of 7% in April to a high of 25% in October. Breezes can have a cooling effect; humidity is generally high, particularly in the remaining rainforest areas. Bibliography â€Å"Beautiful Underground Lakes & Rivers. † Wonderfulinfo. com. 5 January 2010. http://www. wonderfulinfo. com/photos/underground/ â€Å"Climate and Weather of Mexico. † yahoo. answers. com. 26 Sept 2009. http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20090419162859AAZ2D7m&. crumb=eYF8u9vJN5s â€Å"Mapas de Mexico. † Mexicoadventourist. com. 5 January 2010. http://www. mexicoadventourist. com/Mapas/YucatanMap. jpg â€Å"Mexico’s Government. † Viva Mexico. 2 October 2009. http://staff. esuhsd. org/balochie/studentprojects/mexico/MexGovernment. html Parfit, Michael, â€Å"Yucatan Peninsula,† National Geographic. Aug 1996. 108-113. â€Å"Sunset over the Yucatan. † flickr. com/photos/afagen/. 5 January 2010. http://www. flickr. com/photos/afagen/2262221520/ The World And Its People. â€Å"Mexico – The Land Yucatan†. New York. Greystone Press. 1964. 34-35. â€Å"The World Factbook – Mexico. † CIA the World Factbook, 10 Sept 2009. ttp://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/countrytemplate_mx. html â€Å"Yucatani iguanaleso naplo. † atjeffs. blog. hu/2008. 5 January 2010. http://m. blog. hu/at/atjeffs/image/Yucatan_peninsula_250m. jpg â€Å"Yucatan Sunset. † flickr. com/photos/bjkresearch/. 5 January 2010. http://www. flickr. com/photos/bjkresearch/183792616/ â€Å"Yucatan Peninsula Sunset. † flickr. com/photos/kevmac66/. 5 January 2010. http://www. flickr. com/photos/kevmac66/3495944443/ â€Å"Yucatan Peninsula Resort. † Alwaysonvacation. com. 5 January 2010. http://www. a lwaysonvacation. com/LSS/images/29225/YucatanPeninsula3BedroomsSle

Friday, September 13, 2019

How did early Chinese philosophers come to have a long-lasting Essay

How did early Chinese philosophers come to have a long-lasting influence on the - Essay Example Chinese philosophy came to spread throughout the region specifically because of the political and military power of the Chinese kingdoms and later empire. At its height of political power, the Chinese empire was the most advanced in the Far Eastern region with a culture that was based on the teachings of its philosophers. The result was that many of the neighbouring states often sent their young people, especially from the aristocracy, to study in China and this resulted in their being especially influenced by the Chinese philosophers. When these individuals returned to their homelands, they brought back the philosophy that they had learnt with them and ensured its propagation among their people. Because it was the norm for the general population to imitate or follow the example of the ruling class, Chinese philosophy took root in the intellectual development of the region, with many schools of thought being developed for the purpose of ensuring that teachings of Chinese philosophers were further developed and propagated (Ebrey 42). In this manner, Chinese philosophers came to have an immense influence on the later intellectuals in the entire region and this situation also helped in the propagation of the cultural dominance of the Chinese in later years. Among the most influential reasons for the Chinese philosophers’ influence on the intellectual development of the region is that the region already shared a common religion in the form of Buddhism. The fact that a large chunk of the population practiced this religion ensured that Chinese philosophy could be easily accepted by the populations outside of the Chinese empire (Denecke 38). There were instances where Chinese philosophy came to be a part of the basic life of the people of the entire region and this was mainly through its spread by Buddhist monks and scholars.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The gastronomic developments on two different geographical areas; West Essay

The gastronomic developments on two different geographical areas; West Yorkshire in the North of England and the Island of Malta in the Mediterranean - Essay Example The information guiding this research shall be gathered from relevant scholarly articles, books, journals and websites. The factors of these trends shall be derived from the social, economic, and cultural developments in those areas. The main outcomes that this research intends to achieve are the comparison of the trends of those gastronomic environments. A key factor to this is knowledge of the factors that have influenced the diversity of the food and beverage development in those specific areas. The outcomes will be analyzed to know the trends that contribute to the competitive value of food and beverage operations. Lastly, recognize the key features of successful gastronomic business and determining the quality leaders in the market. Gastronomy is the study of food and culture with a specific emphasis on pleasure-loving cuisine. Modern gastronomy has its roots in several French texts published in the 1800s. It is a demanding multidisciplinary art examining food itself along with its setting, demonstration, brilliance, and history. The principal of gastronomy is that food is an art form, as well as science. Gastronomy examines the sociological implications of food, while integrating other social science disciplines such as philosophy, anthropology, and psychology. For the gourmet and gastronome, gastronomy requires an essential definition, which is the enjoyment of good food, noble company and worthy beverages. Gastronomy is broken down into four main areas (Harrison, 1982) which are political, theoretical, and technical and food gastronomy. Political gastronomy is concerned with the training and the study of the preparation, making, and service of various foods and beverages from many countries around the world (Cailein Gillespie, 2001, pp. 3-5). It deals with the methods and principals involved in the conversion of raw produce into appealing, countrywide, regionally

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Accounting - Assignment Example Moreover, they defraud the bank by inflating that they had purchased a real estate property on behalf of the bank at a value of three point two billion instead of sixty-three point five million dollars (International Financial Reporting. (2013). Stanford Company failed to carry out background check to investigate the history of the two officials prior hiring them. Secondly, the company did not setup anti-fraud policy that indicates how to detect report and curb fraud. Thirdly, the company did not have an anti-fraud training to educate employees on the risk of fraud. Additionally Stanford Company was unable to conduct job rotation which could have helped to prevent the occurrence of fraud (Iyer & Samociuk, 2006). I would recommend the company to establish internal and external control. For example, the company should carry out regular internal and external audits. Further, background check may help to identify personal character to hold sensitive financial positions. Moreover, ant-fraud policies and training should be put forth to address the issues of fraud (Iyer & Samociuk,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Women education In Saudi Arabia , Sustainable Development and NGO's Essay

Women education In Saudi Arabia , Sustainable Development and NGO's - Essay Example Nevertheless, education for women is still being implemented in Saudi Arabia (Hamdan, 2005, p. 43). Additionally, UNEP released statistics that depicted an approximate and predicted adult illiteracy rate of 2.5% for women between the years of 15 to 14 (UNEP, 2011, p. 1). The most upsetting factor of the crisis in the country’s education sector is the inability to offer the needs for the progress of Arabian women. A 2002 Arab human development report indicated that women’s education does not regularly train students, means of assessing information to become innovative. As a result, graduation rates become high and eventually face a low employment rate. A huge proportion of graduate women become unemployed after finishing their educational courses (Hamdan, 2005, p. 43). The current Saudi school structure works for both men and women with the aim of reducing illiteracy rates in the country, and increasing employment opportunities (Joseph and Najmabadi, 2003, p. 230). The American school structure was gravely considered by the Ministry of Education when drawing out the local school curriculum and structure for Saudi Arabia. This approach was considered due to the economic disruption following the discovery and exploitation of oil have rise to a trend that fostered education abroad. Women’s education at all levels, elementary, high school and tertiary, were under the Department of Religious Education until 2002. The Ministry of Education took over the education scene in the country to guarantee women’s education non-deviation from the initial objective. Currently, higher schooling is offered by seven universities, several academies for women, an institution of public administration and 17 teacher-training colleges (Hamdan, 2005, p. 44). Women’s education encounters several barriers to its implementation and development. Women’s liberties and duties in Saudi Arabia have faced equal controversy amongst its conformists and progressives

Industrial Law Assignment ( Contract Law ) Essay

Industrial Law Assignment ( Contract Law ) - Essay Example The Company A has accepted the contract with Company B with all the clauses. Company B, in effect offered to provide the equipment by a particular date. It agreed to do so for a particular amount, which is the consideration. Company B accepted the offer and communicated to Company A that they would complete the order. The letter issued by Company B stated that it was â€Å"accepting the order subject to our standard terms of business.† Clause 10 of the standard terms of business of Company B in effect stated that Company B would be liable to any defect in the equipment only if claim to that effect is lodged within seven days of supply of the equipment. The standard terms of Company B also provided that it would not be liable for any loss caused due to delay in supply of equipment. The Contract Manager of Company A communicated to Company B the details of the equipment it needed, and by implication agreed to the standard terms of business of Company B in their entirety. The first three terms were acted upon. The equipment was supplied to Company A well within time. Company B was paid for the same. The other two terms are not applicable to the problem at hand. Company A did not communicate to Company B the defect within time, and the liability of Company B as regards the defects ended on 8th July 2009. So the complaint communicated to Company B by letter Dt. 15th July 2009 can not be legally enforceable. The contract entered in to by the parties was fully acted upon, and no clause of the contract would be open for interpretation other than what was given to it in express terms. The contract was of the executed consideration type and ended in fulfillment when the Company B was paid by the Company B. Though the Contract Manager of Company A was unaware about the particular Clause 10 which ended the liability of Company B on expiry of period of seven days of the supply, it does not in any way alter the lack of the contractual obligation on

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reasons for the Failure of Camp David of 2000 Essay

Reasons for the Failure of Camp David of 2000 - Essay Example It was aimed to eradicate the conflict involving Israel and Palestine. These two countries have been in conflict for an incredibly long time. Israel is composed of both Muslims and Christians while Palestine is an Arab only state. The summit was a continuation of the peace development that had been started by former United States president Carter. This paper will expand on the issues that led to the failure of Camp David in 2000 and what had caused the conflicts. Nature of the Failure of Camp David The summit meant to discuss many issues that hindered the development of the peace procedure and included territory, Jerusalem, refugees and security worries by Israel. In relation to territory, the Palestinian authorities demanded that they should be awarded with full power over some areas such as the Gaza strip, which was being controlled by Israel1. Israel disputed that the area belonged to them, and rejected their proposals. The prime minister of Israel instead offered them the access to the areas under conflict but insisted that they were still under the government of Israel. He additionally explained that the roads to be used were still under Israel and the Palestinians would be deprived of their use in case there was an emergency. The Palestinian leader rejected Israel’s whole idea since they had wanted complete ownership of the land2. This is one issue why they never solved their conflict on territorial borders. They further discussed on the territorial conflict that concerned Jerusalem. Palestinians claimed complete ownership of the east of Jerusalem and the holy cities that were nearby including Temple Mount. Amusingly, both Israel and Palestine referred to temple mount as holy grounds, considering that Judaism and Islam are involved. Palestine claimed that the land on the east of Jerusalem was ‘stolen’ by Israel and that they should return it to the rightful owner. The Israeli leader argued that if the land belonged to Palestine, they w ould still be having it since countries should always protect their possessions. In an attempt to solve this problem, Israel suggested that Palestine be granted with custodianship and not complete ownership of the area in conflict (Temple Mount)3. Israel however claimed that the ancient wall on the temple mount would belong to them since it was very an important icon in Judaism. Israel also suggested that some Muslim environs in the east of Jerusalem would be part of Palestine while others would still be under the control of Israel. It happens that Palestinians had wanted full control of all the Muslim neighborhoods and sought for an explanation why Israel would no grant them full sovereignty. They did not desire Israel to have power over the holy Arab cities in any manner and therefore could not come into a viable conclusion. Another reason for the summit was the issue of refugees. These refugees came to being because of war that made some Palestinians to escape from Israel into th e neighboring Palestine. Palestine wanted the refugees to go back to their original homes in Israel without being asked and that they should be granted with land. Israel rejected because they were millions of them and they would make the country be overpopulated and limit the resources. Large populations have high demand for resources and lead to their degradation since they can never be enough. Israel stated that they would only permit the immigrants who had families left in Israel after the war period was over. This amounted to about 100,000 refugees4. This did not favor the Palestinians, as they wanted the refugees to decide where they wanted to be, Israel or Palestine. It was evident that a large number would prefer to relocate to Israel. It was also decided that

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Page 50 51 and Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Page 50 51 and - Assignment Example Sketching an outline for a thesis is a good exercise for developing writing abilities. Check if each topic sentence clearly supports the thesis. Consider changing the organization if topic sentences and paragraphs are not connected to one another. Consider also changing the thesis if writing about the topic reveals something new. Change the essay, redraft change thesis and topic sentences. Be open to changing the essay if it doesn’t work out. Nothing is permanent when it comes to writing. Changes can happen as we collect information and develop arguments, paragraphs. Paragraph development. Beginning writers have weakness in developing paragraphs, so must practice in developing them by using topic sentence and information to support topic sentences. Each paragraph must support the topic sentence in different ways- explain, define, give examples, any way to support the topic sentence. Give sufficient information and evidence to support the topic sentence. Make information, clear and specific. Another example of fully developed paragraph. Used many examples to support the topic sentence. More convincing because of stories and examples that prove that Jesse James is a Robin Hood kind of outlaw. They all say something about the topic sentence- connection, unity is clear. Give more evidence to develop the paragraph. Give information that is connected to the topic sentence. Again, think of unity and coherence for each paragraph. Check each paragraph for unclear ideas or sentences that are not connected to the topic