
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Andrew Lang, Ballad of a Worldly Wealth Explication

In the poem Ballad of a Worldly Wealth, Andrew Lang shares his opinion of wealth and what people use it for. It can be either useful, or just corrupt you. â€Å"Money maketh evil show† he says, meaning that if you use it in the wrong way it can show your evil side. It brings you worldly things, but it can’t bring you everything. Such as family, friends, or love. All it can give, it physical things that you won’t be able to take with you when you leave this world.He uses a lot of repetition to make the idea clear of what he means, and his belief of money. I feel like the meaning goes deeper than that also. You can either be rich in heart and be happy or you can be rich with physical things and fall into greed and darkness. In the poem he says, â€Å"Money maketh sin as snow. † I interpret this as him saying money can make everything right in some people’s eyes. Lang could have possibly got his idea from a book in the bible, 1 Timothy verse 6. For mon ey is the root of all evil. † He uses a lot of words that help to set his tone, and the emotion in the poem. The words he uses have a lot of the same sounds such as maketh, taketh, youth & truth. I found that many of the words in the poem were hard to understand because we do not talk in this form of language anymore. An example of these words would be â€Å"while the tides shall ebb and flow. †

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biological theories Essay

The article Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed details the alleged assault against a youth in Sydney’s Kings Cross, which subsequently resulted in his death. Shaun McNeil has been charged with murdering the youth, and the article reveals that he previously had a number of assault-related criminal convictions. The incident has been followed by intense campaigning for tougher laws and heavier penalties for those convicted of alcohol-induced violence. Cesare Lombroso’s ‘born criminal’ theory articulated that some individuals experience a primitive form of development that is ultimately less evolved than those of non-criminals (Bernard et al 2010, p. 38). Applying the theory of biological indicators of criminal behaviour to all cases of criminal incidences may be problematic. Modern criminologists have generally rejected the notion that biological factors alone can be used to explain criminal behaviour, as it is difficult to ascertain whether biological factors and criminality have a genuine causal relationship (Roque et al 2012, p. 306). As such, biological theories may be more persuasive when considered in correlation with environmental factors. The environmental factor most relevant to the case of McNeil is alcohol consumption. While there are many possible relationships between violence and alcohol, one of the most convincing explanations is an increase in aggression due to the alcohol-induced reduction of serotonin in the brain (Bernard et al 2010, p. 53). It is likely that alcohol consumption in this case was a contributing factor to the assault. McNeil’s prior criminal convictions are also noteworthy, as there may be a correlation between past violent outbursts and the consumption of alcohol. It is arguable that ‘the acute and chronic effects of alcohol on committing more aggravated assault imply that once a person becomes a violent offender, either drinking before offending or high average alcohol consumption constitute a probable cause for additional violent acts’ (Zhang et al 1997, p. 127 0). Crimes that have some biological basis can be difficult to manage if law and order policies attempt to address the biological factors alone. Addressing the environmental factors that contribute to these crimes is likely to be  the most effective approach. Crimes such as this may be managed through the restriction of alcohol sales, a measure that has already been put in place by the New South Wales government. More specifically, such measures should be targeted at high-risk locations, including areas that contain a significant amount of bars and nightclubs and attract a large amount of young people. References: Bernard, T, Snipes, J & Gerould, A 2010, Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Rocque, M, Welsh, B & Raine, A 2012, ‘Biosocial criminology and modern crime prevention’, Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 306-312. Ross, C 2014, ‘Alleged king hitter’s criminal record revealed’, Nine News, 4 January, viewed 17 March 2014, Zhang, L, Wieczorek, W & Welt, J 1997, ‘The nexus between alcohol and violent crime’, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1264-1271.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Comparative Business Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparative Business Systems - Essay Example German’s economic condition entails a service sector, which offers a contribution of 70% of GDP and industry sector that offers 29.1% contribution, while the agricultural sector offers 0.9% (Mundi, 2010, 3). Brazil’s Gross Domestic Product has grown from 7.5% in 2010 to 2.7% 2011, and despite to the global hold back, the domestic market in Brazil have become strong, hence reducing vulnerability to the external crisis (The World Bank Group, 2012, 1). Conversely, Germany attracts foreign investors by providing an open market without restrictions to operate any business (Pugh and Hickson, 2007, 20). Therefore, the citizens of Germany and Brazil are benefiting from the stability of their economic growth, with relatively low inflation rate and improved social well-being (Chandler, 1984, 473). This paper will focus on comparing the business systems in Brazil and Germany. On the other hand, in Brazil there are limits of potential growth and significant advances in the economy, which are attributed to institutional reforms, noninflationary growth that is derailed by barriers, regulation and insufficiency in infrastructure and poor business climate (Jimenez, Gomez Sabaini and Podesta, 2010, 38). However, the condition is better in Germany, since the government has established necessary reforms to improve their economic conditions (Hall and Soskice, 2001, 36). Quality of Brazilian government services concerning the expenditure is relatively lower than other middle-income countries, and country launched a growth acceleration plan in 2007, which focused on increasing investment in infrastructure, and offering tax incentives to facilitate economic growth (Whitley, 2007, 30). In Germany, people are taxed on their income, especially individual residents; in fact, income tax rate have a range of 15% to 45% during the year 2010. Furthermore, Germany presented an initial general tax-free amount of 8,004 Euros during the year 2010 and 16,008 Euros for people, who ar e not married; thus, Germany has subjected corporation to 15% corporate income tax and a solidarity surcharge of 5.5% and it results to an entire rate of 15.8% (Mundi, 2010, 5). In Brazil, the plan led to a 7.5 % growth in 2010, and resilience to the crisis experienced in 2009, and insignificant recession among developed and emerging economies in 2011 (OECD, 2011, 4). Role of the National State in the Economy German’s economic condition has contributed significantly to production based on engineering; for instance, there is production of automobiles, machinery, metals and chemical products. Moreover, Germany has been renowned manufactures of wind turbines and solar power technologies (Mundi, 2010, 7). In fact, this country offers the largest international trade fairs every year; in fact, this congress has been held severally in cities such as Hanover, Frankfurt, and Berlin. On the other hand, the growth in Brazil has facilitated challenges, whereby the country is anticipating hosting the World Cup in 2014 and Olympics Games, in 2016, hence this is requiring significant investment in urban and social development, and transport infrastructure. Moreover, Brazil has experienced substantial regional differences in the social indicators like health, infant mortality and nutrition (Morgan, Campbell, Crouch, Pedersen and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Statistical works and solutions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistical works and solutions - Coursework Example The correlation coefficient for this graph is 0.903293.The data are positively correlated and is closer to 1 which is perfectly correlated. This means that both data will reduce or increase all together. Correlation Coefficient determines the association of two variables and varies between will vary from -1 to +1(Wigmore, 2013). In negatively correlated variables, variables changes in opposite direction, while in positively correlated variables, both variables increase and decrease in the same direction. From above HPI and GDP, Ecological Footprint and HDI are positively correlated while the rest are negatively correlated In conclusion, the outcome from the graphs, result generated from excel, namely mean, media and Correlation Coefficient are closely related. The characteristics of the data can also be obtained from the variables using more than one method, either graphically or by calculation which is generated from the excel. Lastly, it is recommended to use more than one method when doing data analysis in order to come up with true interpretation of the results. Pearson, K (1895) .Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution. II. Skew Variation in Homogeneous Material. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Animal Cruelty Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Animal Cruelty - Speech or Presentation Example Besides fighting for an end in anima cruelty, these groups are concerned with the formulation of policies to help animal cruelty, animal health, and nutrition and well as proper slaughtering of animals. Indeed, animals cannot speak for themselves. For this reason, such groups become important in the fight against their cruelty. Policies and Foundations started to help animals As mentioned earlier, the increased instances of animal cruelty in the recent past has led to the formulation of policies and foundations solely aimed at reducing animal cruelty. In the United States for instance, there exist thousands of such polices and foundations. In 1966, the Animal Welfare Act was enacted (Brewster 163). This law laid the legal framework upon which the protection against animal cruelty was established. The law has undergone various amendments including the most recent 2007 amendment. So far, this is the only legislation that regulates the treatment of animals during research, transport, ex hibition among others. There are other federal and state policies, legislations and guidelines which are also aimed at controlling animal treatment and use. However, all these tend to refer to the Animal Welfare Act. ... Such societies include the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Animal Control Association for those living in Texas(Brewster 63). Among other roles, these societies advocate for the adoption of measures aimed at protecting animals from cruelty. For instance, the Animal Control Association for those Living in Texas has instituted a wide range of measures and guidelines aimed at controlling the way people treat animals so as to protect them against unfair harm and cruelty. The policies, regulations and guidelines set aside to protect animals against cruelty play a significant role. Among other things, they: Enlighten the public and sensitize them on matters regarding animal cruelty. Sensitize the public on their duties and responsibility to ensure animal cruelty is avoided. Prepare and avail relevant information regarding to the control of animals against cruelty and harm. Provide expertise on animal safety to various groups as people at different levels. Identify and making recommendation regarding various challenges that need to be addressed so as to better the lives of animals Link and act as liaison between various agencies, associations and societies aimed at preventing animal cruelty. Right Care for Animals The most common way of cruelty on animals is improper feeding. This occurs in instances where people show deliberate negligence towards their animals. They fail to provide adequate food and water to such animas. This has often led to starvation, dehydration, illnesses, among other adverse conditions. Right care of animals is not just limited to proper feeding alone. Animals also require proper shelter. Thus, it is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Man on the Moon Real or Hoax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Man on the Moon Real or Hoax - Essay Example However, along with this arose innumerous numbers of controversies regarding the legitimacy of the claim. Various theorists and scholars claimed that the entire plot was hoax, and a considerable proportion of people claimed that the whole chapter was genuine. On February 15, 2001, the FOX television network broadcasted the program named Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? The program provided considerable amount of evidence to show that NASA cheated the world by faking moon landings. In We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle, Bill Kaysing pointed out that it is irrational to believe that the landing on moon actually took place because according to estimates in late 1950s, the possibility of successfully landing on the moon was just 0.0017%, that is, approximately 1 in 60,000; and in fact, this estimate was done by the Rocketdyne Company that took into account the efficacy of technology that existed at that point of time (7-8). Another serious allegation comes from Ralph Rene, the author of NASA Mooned America. He points out that all American missions before Apollo 11 were detected to have multiple numbers of defects. The scholar points out that the earlier projects had so many technical errors that would have forced American to drop the idea of moon landings and to fake it instead (as cited in Eisen, 378). Similar is the allegation that the poor quality of the images of moon landings is a deliberate effort to prevent others from examining them. Still, the photos available were sufficient to initiate controversy. For example, the pictures presented the astronaut saluting the American flag, and unfortunately, the flag was waving as if in a wind. The point in consideration here is the fact that there is no air or wind on the moon. Yet another major allegation came that when a camera was fitted to the astronaut’s chest, how would this be possible to take such excellent photographs that

The Relationship Between Gender And Politeness Essay

The Relationship Between Gender And Politeness - Essay Example Sara Mills gives a new dimension to both the terms – gender and politeness. Gender and politeness cannot be generalized. It has to be analyzed in the perspective of the race, class, the particular situation. Mills states that politeness has to be observed over a period of time and it should be seen within the context of the community of practice. Women adopt different strategies in different situations. A general notion prevalent is that women talk more than men talk and are more vocal about their feelings but an experiment proved otherwise. Marjorie Swagger gave three pictures to men and women separately and they were asked to describe it in as much time as they wanted. The average time that men took was 13 minutes while the women averaged at 3:17 minutes. Women should talk less and men should remain ‘calm’ has been culturally accepted by all societies around the world. According to Nancy Bonvillain, women use more polite speech than do women; they are more conscious of the honor of the person or the hearer. Society has predominantly been male-dominated and they have been asserting themselves at every stage. Traditionally a woman first was under the protection of her father, then at the mercy of the husband and finally under the son. She was never allowed to assert herself. It was considered a disgrace if a woman was aggressive in her speech. It was always expected that a woman should ‘behave like a lady’. A ‘lady’ is synonymous with calm and peace. She always had to look up to the man in her life.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Developing High Quality Human Resource Dissertation

Developing High Quality Human Resource - Dissertation Example Research design and rationale This study will consist of two phases. The first phase will deal with the study of literature while the second one will tackle qualitative and quantitative analysis. The literature study will entail analysis of current trends in a HR revolution in Vietnam and the world at large. In addition, the literature will be studied with the aim of examining and establishing an ideal evaluation technique for evaluation of HR function involved in PT projects. The basic aim of this study is to design and implement a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the quality of HR function in state owned EPC companies in Vietnam. The quantitative and qualitative research methodologies will be used to expediently differentiate contrasting research strategies, which will essentially depend on the nature of the research question or the problem being examined. As Gay (1996) explicates, quantitative and qualitative techniques presents corresponding aspects of the scientific st udy method, whereby the quantitative approaches are concerned with testing of hypothesis (primary deduction) while qualitative approaches are concerned with generating of hypothesis (primary induction). The complementary use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies has gained popularity as they are used in formulating wide innovations in science and social research. This provides a better array of perspectives and insights and allows substantiation of the results by different methods of triangulation, which boosts the general validity of findings and improves the usefulness of the study. Nevertheless, the investigation of accurately complementary techniques presents significant challenges too. These take account of additional human and financial-based additional costs, the need for respect for different epistemological positions and methodologies as well as teamwork. Population and sample The population has been defined by Hussey and Hussey (1997) as â€Å"any precisely define d set of people or collection of items which is under study† (p. 55). On the other hand, a sample is a subset of the population under consideration and it entails some specific members chosen from that population (Sekaran, 2000). Study sample The researcher will use purposive sampling for the qualitative study and simple random sampling for the quantitative part. Simple sampling will be selected for the quantitative part because no complexity is involved in the selection process. A purposeful sampling (also called judgmental sampling) is based on the fact the researcher is capable of selecting the participants who are effectively suited to meet the purpose of the study. This method of sampling will ensure that an extensive and thorough assessment is conducted and hence the researcher will be able to obtain a better understanding of the issues of quality in respect to the HR function in construction projects. In the selection of purposive sampling, it is conceived that sampling for proportionality is not of the essence; furthermore, purposive sampling is ideal for reaching the targeted sample in a quick manner (Neuman, 2003). The importance of choosing the right candidates for the study has been affirmed by Creswell (2007), who

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Engineering Ethics - Essay Example Today, France generates about 70% of its electricity with an array of nuclear plants that come in only three sizes: small, medium, and large. In fact, their plants make so much electricity that France is the largest net exporter of electric power in the world. And modular, standardized construction practices are a large part of why the French nuclear effort has been such a success† (Kayde, 2011). Modular practices make it harder to produce dual-use materials or turn waste into weaponry. France's engineers created a moral result through engineering. Is smart nuclear power ethical? Some people think it isn't, no matter how smart. But it seems to really stretch believability that nuclear power is always by definition a bad thing. Is it really worse than coal? Is it so much worse that there is never a reason to use it over coal? Engineers working on smarter nuclear solutions is moral even when many activists are opposed to nuclear power as a matter of course. But there is another p oint to make. Morality must always be adjudicated based not just on consequences but on the innate character of the acts and the virtues of the person involved. One problem with consequentialist, utilitarian perspectives is that they tend to allow people to justify flawed solution A over B without ever trying to think of good solution C, something deontological ethics prevents by favoring the status quo.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Outraged moms, trashy daughters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Outraged moms, trashy daughters - Essay Example The author describes the generation gap between todays mothers and their teenage daughters also as a gap between how the two generations differ in terms of valuing equality and female empowerment. She also expressed her concern over "heightened sexual activity," and the "sexualization of young girls" but also mentions the lack of depth and reflection among teenagers today. The above observations are a feminist concern and in this reaction paper, I agree with the observations of the author. Feminists earlier opposed the vulgar representation of female images in magazines and advertisements because of their strong protest in visualizing females as a commercial object rather than an individual. On the other hand, current female teenagers like to see people enjoying their sexy bodies. In fact, they are doing everything possible to wear dresses, which expose their body maximum. This is not because of their inherent traits, as we all know that their mothers strongly protested against the f emale objectification, but because of the changing life styles and philosophy of life. The teenage girls are made to dress in this manner because it is the norm of the society. Female teenagers of the current generation are witnessing the enormous publicity of celebrities like Naomi Campbell, Angelina Julie, and Salma Hayek etc. They know that these people enjoy great publicity not because of their talents alone, but because of their beautiful bodies also.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Assignment of Work Base Learning Essay Example for Free

Assignment of Work Base Learning Essay 1. Introduction. This assignment is to evaluate my role in the job Im currently doing and upto what extent its been helpful in my personal development. As I m currently working in fright forwarding industry (Shipping), I have chosen this job to finish my assignment of work base learning. It would be easier for me to choose this job to finish my educational assignment instead of going volunteering job somewhere else. This will also affect my attendance in current work place. 1.1 Company Profile- Reisa Freight Ltd. is a U.K. based company engaged in import and export activities. As a company we supply our services to buyers, exporters and importers for their international transportation needs. Reisa freight Ltd. acts as a middle man / agent working globally with agents in several countries. We handles export from shippers or manufacturers warehouse to buyers warehouse not end users. 1.2 Job Profile- The main purpose of my role is to coordinate with customers, prepare relevant docs and coordination with back office or operations for smooth activity. This job role requires efficiency, accuracy and completion in given time frame. My job is also involved with coordination with airlines to ensure pre-booked space for upcoming cargo during the week. This avoids last minute problem. In short this work required a solid planning and in-time execution. Also it requires understanding People at Work, including understanding others interests, motivations and competence. In short, Developing and reviewing relationships with others (manager, colleagues, team members, customers and suppliers etc) including agreeing respective roles, responsibilities, rights and expectations booking cargo space on ship, airplane, train, or any other form of goods/cargo transportation, route planning, various documentation, export packing, insurance, warehouse, collection and delivery consignment. 2. Main Body- During my seven months of tenure I have learned how to gain necessary skills and what I needed most. There are certain skills which I need to improve and some others I have achieved while working with Reisa freight Ltd. I have discussed all these in following paragraphs. 2.1 Skills that need some developments. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Communication- Major hurdle with me here the language. Being English as my second language I find it as biggest hurdle to improve my communication skill. There is a lot more development since I started but there is still lot more to do to bring it upto a level where it is acceptable as high standard. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Decision-making- I find my self uncomfortable while making important decision which requires my independency. I have only spent 7 months in total as working person. I would need to have more experience of work to gain my confident in decision making. Some education in learning skill would definitely help me which Im planning to intake after finishing my graduation. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Leadership- Being an un-experienced in past and total 7 months of work experience I see a lot more to do with leadership skill. Leadership skills require work experience and a standard of education which I will gain after my studies. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Analysing- Being a new employee in the field I see a lack of analysing skill to analyse the situation and plan things accordingly. This makes me to be depended on my seniors and old employees. I personally think that this would be developed while the time spent with work and putting my efforts to plan it from the beginning and executing it upto the end. In my job profile I have been given chance to analyse each shipment from the beginning and act as necessary and accordingly. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Problem Solving- Due to the lack of decision making, it directly affects my problem solving skills. As a new employee I havent been given chance to make decisions of my own which will be given to me after a specific time spent with in the company. Now because I cannot make decisions I will have to rely on my seniors to give me instructions in these types of situation which will lead to problem solving directly from decision makers at above post not me. 2.2 Skills scored highest with. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Planning- My job profile requires a pre-planned activity which is a base of service commitment to customers. First w learn in this business is to plan things and then execute. The planning doesnt give a hundred percent surety of desired results but it leads to a way to execute right thing and a right time. I personally feel that my job responsibilities made me well enough to deal with planning skill. Its adding something extra everyday to my skill. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Monitoring- Once the planning has been made and executed second step comes to monitor it on each and every step. A break any where in the planning chain may fail the whole assignment. The purpose of my monitoring is to take care of assignment and rectify problems as soon as and wherever they come up. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Reviewing- Reviewing the work everyday gives me efficiency and proficiency in my work. A skilled reviewing gives an idea what needs to be done. During the work I have learned that reviewing all our daily deeds gives us experience and probable outcomes of next day and future. This also shows the performance improvement. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Prioritising- As a worker I learned how to priorities my work. Its a way of placing an order of priorities what needs doing and when. This can be achieved by Setting objectivise and goals. Its an important aspect of decision making. In my work priorities has importance as we will have to make decisions depend on the situations. For examples in a situation where buyer needs all his order with several suppliers in once, but due to problem with space allocation we may have to make own decision sometime to priorities to particular orders or shipments. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Reporting- My job profile is to work as an executive. I have responsibilities and direct reporting to my seniors. I need to report all my day to day activities that its understandable and most important is acceptable. An acceptable standard of work has been gained through the work experience. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Motivating- Motivation is necessity in every success. De-motivation will lead to failure in the job and work assignment. I have learned that how to challenge my negative thoughts. It helps me to realise possibilities of my future. 3. Monitoring my self- level achieved. Presentation Skills Competent Speaker- able to talk to small groups of my peers albeit a little nervously. Written Skills- Good Creative- able to use comparison, example, similes, metaphors, vocabulary and other tools. Organisational/Planning Skills- Limited- can plan and organise my own time to achieve targets. Team-working Skills- Good- Able to work well in a team of people and to perform a number of team roles. 4. Conclusion There is Overall performance satisfaction within the organisation and as recognised by senior level. Seven months of tenure within the firm was spent just as a trainee. This helped me to gain a lot. But still there is a long way to go and far more to achieve what I thought before. There is lot more confidence required while taking the necessary decisions. An uncomfortable situation always leads to lose either big or small. Currently Im working with the help of other experienced staff which also de motivates me to take my own initiative. But in nearer future I hope for responsibilities with an independent role. That will surely help me to gain improved skills and goals. For sometime I have had a loose idea of the goals I would like to achieve in the short to medium term. Now that I have set my self a deadline Im confident and assured to achieve that. However I would like to improve my self confidence increase my motivation to achieve the most out of my work. I would like to eliminate the attitude that holds me back and cause hassles to it and finally unhappiness. I would like to increase my pride and satisfaction in my achievements advantages of goal settings. I would like to increase my self confidence from the current level and perform better in all areas of my works.

Marketing Case Study Levi

Marketing Case Study Levi Levi Strauss Company is one of the worlds leading brand-name apparel marketers with sales across the world. There is no other company with a equivalent worldwide presence in the jeans and casual pants market. Their market-leading apparel merchandise are sold under the Levis, Dockers, and Levis Strauss Signature brands. Today, the Levis trademark is one of the most globally recognized, and is registered in almost over 160 countries. Now, more than ever, constant and meaningful innovation is vital to their commercial success. The global business environment is intensely competitive. Worldwide trade, instantaneous communications and the effortlessness of market entry are among the forces putting greater pressure on merchandise and brand differentiation. To be successful, it is imperative that Levi Strauss continuously change, competing in new and different ways that are relevant to the changing times. What position in the market does Levi occupy (using the strategy clock to characterise its position) A strategy clock is based upon the work of Cliff Bowman. It is another suitable way to examine a companys competitive position by comparing the offerings of competitors The strategy clock allows one to consider competitive advantage in relation to cost advantage or differentiation advantage. (C. Bowman and D. Faulkner Competitive and Corporate Strategy Irwin 1996).There a six core strategic options, one of them are where Levi is positioned and this will be shown below. According to Bowmans Strategy Clock Levis displays Differentiation with price premium. This means that the company has value to its product and the customers to justify high costs. Differentiation is about charging a premium price that more than covers the additional production costs, and about giving customers clear reasons to prefer the product over other, less differentiated products. (Johnson, G Scholes, K 1997) The first indication of Levi been this position is that Levis states that they wanted to avoid price-based competition due to their history of brand recognition and brand loyalty to their customers. Therefore Levi created value to the customers by providing them with customised jeans and accustomed the price according to the Levis brand which carries enough clout to justify a reasonable price premium. Over the years though it seemed that the brand name lost some importance and it was critical for Levi to create valued features to the customers in order to differentiate them from their competitors. The cost structure showed that Levi sold their products through wholesale channels which were then distributed by the retailers. Levi also maintained a chain of Original Levi Stores. These two choices allowed Levis to be closer to the customers and help them satisfy their needs in the search for the perfect fitted jean. The next factor that indicates the position is that Levi emerged with mass production with the use of emerging communication and computer technologies. The concept allowed Levi to find a niche market and help them create a competitive advantage over the competitors by providing customized made jeans. Previously it was thought that highly-customized products were expensive to produce, however with information technology Levi was able to meet the customer needs for flexibility and it created a chance for Levi in becoming more economical. Levi found a way to make a mass production and have services delivered due to the technology. Levi was facing a lot of competitors that provided the low-cost and high volume producers, therefore they had an advantage over the company. The Personal Pair Proposal project allowed a discovery of a niche market and this allowed Levi to create differentiation from its competitors and by adding price premium. Levi wanted to avoid competing against the low-cost volume producers therefore Levi did market research and revealed that only a quarter of women were truly happy with how their jeans fitted them. This project was a jean customisation program that made it possible to approach the customers with having lower distribution costs and unsold inventory. The mass customised program allowed the costs to be lower as well as provide the differentiation advantage due to the reengineering process of new technologies. Therefore the position of differentiation is providing customers with value, medium prices and high perceived value is created for Levi jeans. The fact that there is value added with the service. The proposal of a $15 premium and with focused groups suggested that women would consider the price fair due to them finding a superior fit, which competitors have not done yet. Suggestions have been made that a realistically price would be between $5 and $10. The fact that there is a brand name involved it would not be considered for the premium to be $15 as customers know the quality of the jean that they will be receiving and the knowledge that the jeans are hand sewn. Manufacturing and raw materials will not be affected with the proposal both therefore eliminating unnecessary costs and allowing prices to be reasonable for the customers, which creates more value for differentiation. How confident are you that the Personal Pair project will change the differentiation and low cost trade-off? Levis has a legacy of being very durable and high quality jeans that last at a low cost. Levi is very high quality with a low cost but they somehow are losing favour with their customers. To compete in the always changing market Levis might have to enter into a new market which would be high quality with a high price. Therefore with evidence below I am confident to say that the Personal Pair will change the Low cost trade off. It is almost a must that Levi must change the differentiation and low cost trade-off. This would change Levis motto of high quality for a reasonable price, unless they start a new line to compete in the new market. Levi will move to incorporate a focus differentiation strategy where focus is on the higher end of the jeans market, yielding stronger profit margins due to price premium. The fact that customers expect prices to be higher due to quality the company cannot just reduce the prices even though with mass customisation will be cheaper. The idea of the perceive price has been set in the customers minds and therefore they are willing to pay a higher price for perceived added value to a particular segment, justify a price premium. Therefore it is vital the company prices the jeans correctly because the particulare market segments is not necessarily price sensitive and is willing to pay a higher amount for a jean that they know is going to fit them perfectly and is made of good quality fabrics. The personal pair proposal approach helps the customers who find a array of choices in the market place overwhelming, and to narrow down their specific needs. The Personal Pair Project adds extra value and therefore customers perceive the premium price to be high. These customers are approached and are helped to understand what their needs are, and with the offerings of a customized fitting jean it allowed customers to know that Levi is catering for their need which creates customer loyalty and a strong brand name. The actual manufacture products in a just-in-time fashion respond to specific customer request. What are Levis unique resources and core competence? Resource is any physical or virtual entity of limited availability that needs to be consumed to obtain a benefit from it. (Alexander Osterwalder, 2004) In most cases, commercial or even ethic factors require resource allocation through resource management. (Alexander Osterwalder, 2004) Unique resources are resources that are not easy to copy, incomparable to competitors and create value for the company. A core competency is a specific factor that a business sees as being central to the way it, or its employees, works. (Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G. (1990). It provides consumer benefits, it is not easy for competitors to imitate and it can be leveraged widely too many products and markets. (Prahald, C.K. et al (1990). Core competencies are particulare strengths relative to other organizations in the industry which provide the fundamental basis for the provision of added value. Core competencies are the collective learning in organizations, and involve how to coordinate diverse production skills and integrate multiple streams of technologies. (Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G. (1990) The core competence of the corporation, Harvard Business Review (v.68, no.3) pp. 79-91). Levis core competencies were found in manufacturing, merchandising and marketing. With regards to manufacturing, Levi has decided to do mass customization for the customers. The mass customization results in them satisfying a number of customers needs and savings cost at the same time by producing in bulk. From a strategic point, the concept is based on finding a niche market. Mass customization uses emerging communication and computer technologies to bypass the limitations of traditional mass production methods. Therefore Levi had a core competency in meeting the customers needs by been more flexible and has greater choice in the market place with the help of manufacturing with the use of technology. In addition, a mass customisation model lowers the costs as well as it provides the differentiation advantage over the competitors, since the re-engineering process is often more efficient once the new technology is applied. Therefore Levi will have this competency of customers loyalty and brand recognition due to their needs been satisfied. The next core competency is merchandising, Merchandising is the methods, practices, and operations used to promote and sustain certain categories of commercial activity. (Kunz, Grace (2005). In the broadest sense, merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail consumer. Levi is doing this by offering the customers a chance to find the perfect fitting jean. Levi operation equips the store with networked PCs and personal pair kiosks. Customers will be measured and with this technology operation and practice it results in one of 4ÂÂ  224 possible size combinations. The computer generates a code for the number of correspondents. This practice gives Levi a competitive advantage as they would be the first company to offer these unique resources to the customers. Lastly you can see the core competency of Levi in their marketing. Levi is such a well known brand, and is given terms such as authentic, genuine and original. This indicates that they are widely known and considers having customer recognition. Therefore Levi is able to market to their customers that are willing to pay for the quality products. The marketing strategy allowed differentiation to be possible and to offer the customers a new product development of a perfect fitted jean. Levis aspects of the VRIO framework: Valuable: Has a history of Brand Loyalty and Recognition and remains number one internationally in its markets. Rare: Has a strong branding image. Levis is marketed as authentic and genuine and enjoys customer support. Inimitable: Jeans are US made unlike competitors. Levis provides generous packages to employees retention of HR. Organised: Manufacturing is key core competency and is managed to have maximum value for resources (J.F Smith, 06/22/2009). Should Levi go ahead with the joint venture? What would you recommend and why? Yes, Levis should go ahead with the joint venture with Custom Clothing Technology Corporation (CCTC). Levi stands to lose this opportunity to competitors if it decides to not move forward. Market research has shown that more than ÂÂ ¾ of women are not fully satisfied with fit of their jean, this is almost guaranteeing a market segment that will be willing to buy the perfect fit. Low-cost and high value competition makes it necessary to create value features that would differentiate it in the eyes of the consumer. Therefore by joining CCTC, Levi will be able to get the technology expertise on how to create and capture different possible size jeans for different shaped people. Offering this to the customers will allow them to feel that they are been catered for and therefore willing to pay the price in order to feel good. This creates customer loyalty at the end of the day due to customer intimacy, Levi should ensure that the intimacy is marketed and to show the benefits. Levi should at first enter into the proposal cautiously by choosing to enter a test phase before proceeding in joining the full scale project. The result of doing this will ensure that Levi will be making a good decision and know more about what they are getting involved with. Levi will benefit this joint venture in many ways. Firstly with mass customisation and offering the customers a perfect fit can result in Levi to better adapt to the individual needs and wishes. This means that it will result in the customers to less likely switch brands. Levi should also consider the fact that by going into a joint Venture with CCTC and offering mass customisation it will help Levi learn directly from the customers and it will help them identify the new trends and the taste that improves the New Product Development. This is because Levi will be dealing with a variety of customers of different shapes and sizes and needs to understand that they require and look for different styles. Therefore Levi will get a hand full of people to represent the possible sizes and this creates the customer value. This venture can allow more customers needs responded to and therefore by allowing the customers to participate in the New Product Development allows the product to be accepted by the market much faster. Levi will be catering for them and they will respond due to Levi identifying that there is a need for a perfectly fitted jean. Levi must understand that by doing this venture they are responding to the individual needs of the customers. The response of one person will lead to them telling their friends, the word of mouth is a very powerful and very cheap form of communication. Levis Strauss can only benefit from joining the CCTCs approach. At the end of the day it will add value to Levis value chain due to them catering for their customers needs and wants. The fundamental idea in this approach is to gain customers satisfaction and if Levi does not take this opportunity another company will. Creating this system which is driven by the customers demands and specific to the exact needs of their customers CCTC can help Levi ultimately make their business be more aware and learn more about their customers and how to fully achieve customer satisfaction. Without a joint venture with CCTC and outside value chain analysis, Levi might not be able to grasp the actual scope of the opportunities that they were missing out on. This joint venture will help the company adapt to the fast growing industry and competition, it can also help the company differentiation. Due to the fact that the competition is offering lower prices it is vital that Levi offers something unique to the customers. Levi wants to avoid price based competition because they had a history of brand recognition and brand loyalty. Therefore it would be wiser to join this venture with CCTC and create customer value and customer satisfaction. Personal pair was a jeans customisation program which will make the joint venture with Custom Clothing Technology Corporation. Together these companies can enter the mass customisation with the help of technology. CONCLUSION: A valuable lesson that can be taken from this case is how necessary it is to keep up with your brand image and customer loyalty. Being content with one niche in a market such as clothing is never acceptable and is therefore necessary that Levi makes the joint venture successful. Styles, times, and preferences are changing so rapidly, that a clothing line must be able to meet the needs and wants of their customers. While Levis still had a market in the older generations, they were missing out on a huge market that likes to shop and that are looking for the perfectly fitted jean no matter what their size was. The second implication that can be applied to other companies would be their option for strategic alliance. Levis really needs some help in the area of brand image and by collaborating with Customer Clothing Technology Corporation, they will have a whole new consumer market. Levis has learned that they cannot be comfortable in one market for too long because that alienates another market such as the younger generations. Collaborating with CCTC, the company can obtain certain advantages that can only help Levi with the competitive environment. Therefore Levi can improve its customer value chain and achieve maximum customers satisfaction with mass customization. Harvard References: Alexander Osterwalder, 2004 Barney, J.B. and Hesterly, W.S. (2008). Strategic management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall C. Bowman and D. Faulkner Competitive and Corporate Strategy Irwin 1996). Dr Brian Squire, Supply Chain Management Research Group, Manchester Business School, Executive Briefing 2006-04 J.F Smith, 06/22/2009 Johnson, G., Scholes, K, 1997). Phil Dourado, Bart de Boever, Dirk De Vos the annual, organised by ICBI and held in Paris. Prahalad, C.K. and Hamel, G. (1990) The core competence of the corporation, Harvard Business Review (v. 68, no. 3) pp. 79-91. )

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mentoring in Practice

Mentoring in Practice Thembelani Dube Mentoring is described by Kinnell and Hughes(2010) as the transferring of knowledge ,skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with. The royal college of nursing states that the role of the mentor is to enable the student to make sense of their practice through the application of theory, assessing, evaluating and giving constructive feedback and facilitating reflection on practice, performance and experiences. the NMC(2008) adds that a mentor is a nurse ,midwife or specialist public health nurse who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in a practice setting. The Nursing and Midwifery council (NMC,2006) have set standards for Nursing and Midwifery practice education, the standards to support learning and assessment in practice(SLAIP). The eight standards are a mandatory requirement for both students and mentors. The standards clearly outline the mentor’s responsibility for developing and ensuring the practice competence of students and provide a more defined statement regarding accountability for decisions that lead to entry to the professional register. These domains are going to be discussed individually in depth. Establishing effective working relationships Mentorship is the process that allows transference of knowledge, skills and attitudes from health professionals to the students that they are working with (kinnell and Hughes 2010). Wilson (2014) in his study concluded that mentoring involves modelling nursing practice, selecting learning opportunities for students, articulating one’s own practical and theoretical knowledge and assessing student’s competence in practice. By being role models, mentors provide an observable image of imitation, demonstrating skills and qualities for the student to emulate, Ness (2010). Wilkes(2006) points out that it is important to establish an effective working relationship where a mentor offers support but can also be objective and analytical. The student mentor relationship is crucial to the student’s learning experience particularly because the mentor’s role includes assessment of practice. Gopee (2011) listed some of the qualities of a mentor as nurturing, role modellin g, focusing on the professional development of the student, sustaining a caring relationship over time and functioning as teacher, sponsor, encourager and friend, Beskine (2009) suggests that orientation is the gateway to a successful placement. Starting off well promotes the quality of the placement. To establish an effective working relationship with the student a mentor should start by orientating a student to the placement, this provides an opportunity for the student to express any concerns. However the RCN (2007) recommends that in preparation of the placement a checklist should be discussed on the first day of working and this should include an up to date orientation pack. Walsh (2010) adds that there are two major facets to establishing effective working relationships, managing the student’s first day and week in a productive and welcoming way and mentor’s good use of communication skills and active listening. Gopee (2011) states that skills and techniques of communication are some of the most important tools the person undertaking the mentor’s role has to utilise. Facilitation of learning The major role of the mentor is to assist and encourage students to link theory and practice in a practical setting (Botma et-al,2013) the author adds that the student should be passionate, eager to learn, participate and be committed to make the relationship work. A study done by Jokelainen et-al(2010) identifies that facilitation of learning includes advance planning of training and placement learning , which includes ensuring planning and organising learning opportunities and being aware of details of the student and their training documents. Naming mentors and organising the student’s first day at work and ensuring that the student has the same shifts as the mentor. The NMC(2008) code of practice specifies that the registered nurse must be willing to share skills and experience for the benefit of others and has a duty to facilitate students and others to develop their competence. Wilson (2013) recommends that in order to facilitate learning, nurses should include students in their daily work, teaching clinical skills, giving written and verbal feedback. Aston and Hallam (2011) agrees that facilitation of learning includes planning relevant experiences for students, providing support and assessing clinical performance. However Kinnell and Hughes(2010) argues that finding out how a person learns is the key, this area should not be underestimated as it requires thought, insight and clinical background. The authors confirms that it is worth spending some time to think the student, the level they are at and what the best strategy would be to ensure their learning and development is facilitated appropriately depending on where they are at on their cou rse. Walsh(2010) identifies that there are many different theories and models of learning , but the three major ones are behaviourist, humanistic and cognitive. Gopee(2011) states that the humanistic learning theories have been developed with regards to how learning occurs. Carl Rogers’ student centred approach to learning reveals that a learning environment where a learner feels able to speak their mind and give their views is a healthy one. Thus mentors provides a safe, encouraging environment, guides the student to resources and opportunities and facilitates the student’s exploration of them. Marslow’ s humanistic hierarchy of needs model(1943) identifies that student mentor relationship and the learning environment are important elements of learning as this would ease anxieties and give the student a sense of belonging therefore enabling the student to achieve their learning needs. Malcolm knowles’s andragogy learning theory(1990) highlights that it is important to acknowledge students as adult learners.it describes adult learners as being more self directive, motivated and having a wealth of experience. Therefore it is important how mentors relate to and teach their students most of whom are readily regarded as adult learners. Assessment and accountability Kinnell and Hughes(2010) believes that it is a statutory requirement to assess healthcare students, it is necessary to assess student nurses during their training in order to licence them as competent practitioners and subsequently protect the public. Assessments highlight weaknesses and strengths and provides a baseline for future learning needs Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995).There are many methods of assessment including testimonies, reflective writing or discussions, direct observation and feedback from colleagues. Gopee(2011) points out that there are a number of other essential facets of assessment, this part is going to discuss formative and summative. The primary aim of the formative assessment is to promote learning so that the learner can do the skill safely and effectively and knows the rationale for each step of the intervention. Summative are conducted to determine whether the learner is now competent to work without direct supervision. it is summative that constitute a peri odic record of the student’s achievement of the aims and outcomes of a course or module. The NMC(2008) requires that most assessment of competence are to be undertaken through direct observation in practice and therefore registered nurses have a duty to facilitate students to develop their competence, they are accountable for ensuring that the individual who undertakes the work is able to do so and they are given appropriate support and supervision. Andrews et-al (2010)comments that assessment has become a major element of the mentor’s role. Many take on the role willingly but when faced with the notions of continuing assessment process become overwhelmed by the responsibility. Many nurses have difficulty taking responsibility for the student learning, especially making decisions about competency required while Lauder et-al (2008) argues that while mentors are crucial to developing students ’achievement of fitness to practice, they are hampered by lack of time to undertake the role. Walsh(2010) identifies that because the assessment process is for a whole host of good reasons it must be very robust. lt should accurately enable mentors to make realistic judgements about the students’ level of competence and thus whether to pass them or not. For the student a good assessment process also gives them valuable feedback, it helps them to identify what they need to do and enables them to set realistic future goals. NMC (2008) validity for assessment ensures that assessments measures what it’s designed to measure, there are two important key issues, how to measure and what to measure. The code of conduct points out that as professionals, nurses are personally accountable for their actions and omissions in practice areas and must always be able to justify decisions therefore it is important that weak students are identified early and given the right encouragement and support, and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Sharples et-al(2007)points out that it is wrong to assume that all students entering clinical placement will have the knowledge, skills and attitude to be successful. They will always be students who struggle to achieve competence and mentors who fail to evaluate a learner’s unsatisfactory performance accurately are said to be guilty of misleading the learner, and potentially putting the patient care at risk and thus failing in their accountability to the NMC (2006). The Duffy report of (2004) ‘failing to fail’ concluded that there are several reasons why some mentors are failing to fail students like not identifying problems early to the student therefore not giving the student sufficient time to improve, leaving it too late and that mentors may give students the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a final judgement regarding their clinical competence. Failing to fail creates poor standards, it leads to having practitioners entering the profession that are not fit for practice (Wells and McLoughin,2014) Evaluation of learning Mentors have the responsibility of developing the practice learning experience they are providing for students, evaluating how effective or ineffective the practice environment helps to fulfil this role (Aston and Hallam,2011).NMC(2008b)requires that registered nurses participate in self- and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development and contribute towards the development of others. In a mentor’s role the term evaluation is used in the context of the student’s practice learning experience. Evaluation assist in identifying areas that need to be improved as well as what is working well, it enables mentors to improve their mentorship skills and the learning experience for future students. NMC (2010) points out that feedback from students and mentors is used to inform the programme and enhance the practice learning experience. Elcock and Sharpes (2011) adds that just as evaluation is the key for improvement, without it there is a risk of making the same mistake ove r and over again. Aston and Hallam(2011) comments that evaluation is not to be confused with assessing as this is to measure the overall value of the learning experience or how worthwhile the practice learning opportunity has been. The process of evaluation involves obtaining feedback from relevant people, reviewing and discussing the feedback and planning action to implement change, and this can either be formal or informal Price (2006). Kinnell and Hughes states that mentors and students are exposed to a variety of evaluation approaches, from patient care to facilitation of learning. Students are required by the universities to evaluate their experiences in practice at the end of each placement and this contributes to the university quality assurance process Elcock and Sharples(2011). Students are asked to reflect on their practice placement and comment on the experience that they have gained based on four dimensions, the mentorship process, the available learning resources, their mentor and the qua lity of the practice placement.it will be at this stage that action of plan is developed if there are issues to be addressed. Creating an environment for learning. Walsh (2010) states that this domain entails helping a student identify their learning needs. Students develop their attitudes, competence, interpersonal communication skills, critical thinking and clinical problem solving abilities in the clinical learning environment (Dunn and Hansford,1997)feeling part of the team is the key factor in student’s feeling that they fit in and they are then able to learn. Aston and Hallam (2011) have identified that another way in which mentors can provide consistency in an approach to providing good learning opportunities for students is to identify what experiences you can provide that will enable students to achieve their competencies. A rapidly embraced and welcomed student is one who will be able to take advantage of the learning opportunities early on in their placement, in contrary a student that feels excluded and unwelcomed will likely shy away, withdraw and have raised anxieties regarding their chances of achieving learning outcomes. kinnell and Hughes(2010) points out that mentors need to appreciate the importance of understanding the healthcare students and the potential individual needs that they have as this will influence the student mentor relationship. Nicklin and Kenworthy(1995) identified some issues that characterise a good learning environment and they included a supportive mentor, that is able to identify learning opportunities for the student and is able to respond to differing learning styles of individual students. Finding out what stage the student is at in their training and what their particular needs and interests are aids in creating an environment for learning for the student. Walsh (2010) states that consistency, a patient and understanding mentor, protecting student supernumerary status and giving a student a time to reflect creates a good learning environment. Hand(2006) indicated that factors that are important for the creation of a positive learning environment are said to be a humanistic approach, where all staff are kind, genuine, approachable and promote self-esteem and confidence to students, good team spirits with respect and trust, high standards of care being provided using efficient but flexible approaches as well as teaching students as a key feature. Context of practice and evidence based practice The slaip document cements that mentors need to contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. Being a mentor does not only mean direct involvement in facilitation learning and assessment but it also challenges them to consider their own evidence base and standards of practice Elcock and Sharples (2011). Kinnell and Hughes suggests that mentors must therefore remember that the end result of evidence based practice is the ability to offer research- based findings in order to justify aspects of care delivery and rationale experiences encountered by patients throughout their healthcare journey. Walsh (2010) says that by adhering to the local policies and procedures and mandatory training is another way for mentors to achieve their use of evidence based practice. In context of practice, mentors are required by the Nursing and midwifery council to demonstrate their ongoing knowledge, skills and competence and that this should be reviewed and assessed at annual updates and triennial reviews. Duffy (2012) suggests that nurses should have a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate updating and maintenance of competence as a mentor. The aim of annual updating is to ensure that all mentors and practice teachers continue to understand issues relating to supporting students, understand the implications of changes to NMC requirements, have current knowledge of NMC approved programmes and make valid and reliable assessments of competence and fitness for safe and effective practice Elcock and Sharples(2011)and NMC(2008). Leadership Leadership is an integral role that mentors have to undertake. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identify that the mentor’s role is forever changing as they are expected to be co-ordinaters of patient care, a care manager, an expert in their own clinical field and they are also expected to teach and assess healthcare students within their commitment to mentorship. Gopee(2011) establishes that mentors leadership role is crucial in practice at facilitating student’s learning.One of the NMC(2008) outcomes of leardership domain requires that mentors provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice. Anderson (2011)adds that helpfull feedback should be based on a recognised model of assessment feedback such as ‘praise sandwich’ and Duffy(2013) confirms that mentors need to provide students with regular feedback on their performance, this is integral to the assessment process. Kinnell and Hughes(2011) identified a number of leadership styles such as autocratic, consultative, democratic and laissez-faire, a mentor should have an insight into different leadership ship styles and evaluate the one that appears to be dominant within their practice placement and how that style could influence the student’s experience. This assignment has highlighted the impotence of the SLAIP domains as a guidance for mentors. It has explored the qualities and the skills that mentors need to fullful their roles in order to capitalize on the student’s learning experience whilst working towards developing a competent practitioner. 2700(words)Page 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Theme in Forest Gump and Raging Bull :: Film Movie

Theme in Forest Gump and Raging Bull Themes play a major role in many movies. This is the way a director is able to express the main point of the movie in his or her own way. A good example of a movie that does this is Forest Gump. This movie is directed by Robert Zemeckis. The movie takes place over a span of thirty years and all focuses around the life of one man. During this period we see the way a boy grows to a man in body, but remains a child in heart and spirit. A major theme in this movie is destiny. Forest’s mother tells him that God has a special plan for everyone. However, his platoon leader tells him that there is no such thing as fate and that everyone is moving around like â€Å"dust in the wind†. Sort of like the Kansas song (just kidding). I think that the director had an opinion somewhere in-between these two theories. God gives us some things, but it’s up to you to make a lot in your life happen. The director shows this theme many times throughout the movie. An example is the feather that opens and closes the story. The feather gets caught in the wind and is carried to forest who picks it up and puts it into a book. Many things happen throughout the movie that may or may not have been Forest’s fate. Such as meeting John Lennon and telling him what Vietnam was like and therefore inspiring him to write the lyrics to the song â€Å"Imagine†. He also meets Elvis and teaches him how to do his trademark pelvis swing. The movie ends with the same feather floating out of the book that his son is now reading many years later. Another movie with a theme that a director is trying to express is Raging Bull. It was directed by Martin Scorsese. This is a movie about an Italian boxers rise and fall in his career and in life. A major theme in this movie is jealousy. This is shown when Vicki, his wife, comments on the good looks of a young boxer. Jake the main character immediately tells her to shut up and leave the room.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Growth and development are two major themes you here time and time again in environmental planning. And rightly so, for if done wrong, they can drastically hinder a society. With that said, Costa Rica is a perfect case study for planning done right. This memo will briefly discuss how Costa Rica made a large leap forward - Using historic population statistics, and crude birth and death rates (Demographic Transition Model), I will tell a story of growth and development done right. Population Growth and Distribution Today, Costa Rica is one of the most stable, prosperous, and least corrupt Latin American countries. As of 2013, Costa Rica has a population of 2,357, 516; 40% of which, live in the Nation’s capital San Jose; the rest is thinly spread across the country. Originally San Josà © was only a small agricultural village with highly fertile soil. However, a few years after winning their freedom from Spain in 1821, the good people of San Josà © and Alajuela combined forces and defeated the pro-Mexican Democrats of Heredia and Cartago. Upon which cemented San Josà © as the capital of the blooming nation (Anywhere Costa Rica). The population slowly rose until after the Second World War- when the city’s numbers increased significantly. Today, over 309 thousand people live in the city with another estimated million in the surrounding suburbs (Anywhere Costa Rica). Development Since 1984, Costa Rica has seen a decrease in population (growth rate dropping from 2.8 to 1.2 by 2015) and infant mortality rates (dropped by half in just 29 years), as well as, an increase in life expectancy. What changed in that short amount of time (United States Census Bureau)? Well, the short answer is the country transitioned from an early industrial soc... ... one percent (Costa Rica). At 9% in 2013, they haven’t reached their goal, however, they’ve managed to cut back 5% in just 20 years. Costa Rica was blessed early on, due to a global interest in coffee beans, with prosperity and wealth; however, it wasn’t until they created a game plan, one with the people in mind that they truly began to progress, fiscally and socially speaking. Granted, Costa Rica isn’t considered a top tier country, but they are by no means at the bottom. With that said, Costa Rica’s young population won’t remain young forever! Much like the baby boomers of the U.S, Costa Rica will have to adjust heavily for the needs of their future elderly. Although, Costa Rica is relatively small, it has a rich history spanning back several millennia; and has positioned itself as one of the most stable, prosperous, and least corrupt Latin American countries.

San Implementation Essay -- essays research papers fc

SAN implementation over Gigabit Ethernet A Storage Area Network is virtualized storage. A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated, centrally managed, secure information infrastructure, which enables any-to-any interconnection of servers and storage systems. A SAN can be configured to provide a nearly infinite pool of storage that you can grow and move between servers as they need it. The storage can be added to and removed without requiring the server to be rebooted. The services provided by the server continue to operate without interruption. The primary purpose for implementing a SAN is to provide a large storage pool that multiple hosts could access. Common storage configurations involve direct attachment of storage to a host. This storage is only available for use by that host. If there were another host that needed storage, you would need to buy additional storage to install on that host. The host with excess capacity would not be able to share its storage with another host. In a SAN, all networked devices share storage capacity as peer resources; they are not the exclusive property of any one server. You can use a SAN to connect servers to storage, Servers to each other, and storage to storage through hubs or switches. A SAN carries only I/O traffic between servers and doesn’t carry any general-purpose traffic such as e-mail. Storage area networks remove data traffic, like backup processes, from the production network giving IT managers a strategic way to improve system performance and application availability. As SAN technology develops, it is growing beyond the use of any one kind of technology. A SAN can be configured to use a number of protocols such as IP or Fibre Channel over a network medium like Ethernet or ATM. FC over Ethernet supports up to 1.06 Mbps. Emerging standards that are still being defined include Gigabyte System Network(GSN) which promises full-duplex 6.4 Mbps over a 40 meter copper cable. Storage area networks improve data access. Using Fibre Channel connections, SANs provide the high-speed network communications and distance needed by remote workstations and servers to easily access shared data storage pools. IT managers can more easily centralize management of their storage systems and consolidate backups, increasing overall system efficiency. The increased distances provided by Fibre Channel technology make it easier to ... ... all of your different hosts and handle the conversion and routing of data between the servers and their virtual disks. The phrase SAN implementation over Gigabit Ethernet is a misnomer. You are using FC or SCSI disks at all times. The SAN is implemented using the common Fibre Channel or SCSI technology. The hosts however would use a variety of methods to attach to the storage pool. The usual connection methods try to avoid introducing bottlenecks between the server and the storage pool. If you combine the different links from the servers together over a 1000Base switch, you would make better use of the available bandwidth to the storage. Using Gigabit Ethernet in this way makes for an excellent low-cost connection to storage resources. Since many customers already have a Ethernet network in place the additional cost of the GSN capable switch is the only additional cost. Once the switch is attached to the SAN, the benefits of a SAN solution can be pushed out to more client computers in the company. Bibliography http://www.zdnet.com/eweek/reviews/1201/01gig.html#Reference http://www.iol.unh.edu/consortiums/ge/index.html http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/729/gigabit/index.shtml

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Examplification essay sample

In fact, most students in US often take the online courses for each semester. The classes can be taken where It Is convenient for students: at home, office, on a military base or the other places. Students have the opportunity on choosing from various schools and courses which might be taught in another city or states. Classrooms are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so students can take the announcements, discuss a topic, and review their homework at any time they want.However, students who first attend in online courses can get the trouble because of differences between online courses and on campus courses. There are some tips for students to achieve success in online college courses. First, students have to have some basic skills about computing. It Is the most Important material which Is required for online courses. Every students should have a computer if not they can study at library or internet coffee restaurant but they must know about computer acknowledge In fact, students in online course work through the computer all the time.For example, students have to log in to the web page of heir school to see the activities of the course. They have to email their professor to communicate, ask questions, and chat with follow classmates. In addition, some courses may require students to install software needed to study and download file which professors provide. Students can contact to students service to find the answers about the courses resource, or technical support to resolve problem Is related to learning system.Students need these skills to study, to communicate and to resolve the problem could have during the courses. In online course self-works plays a main role in it. Students have to manage time, make It suitable for their study schedule and work schedule. There are no one will remind students about homework and tests. students should suck to the syllabus, read it and use it as a tool to remind because it includes the calendar about the assi gnments, the test. Students need to keep track the due of them in the courses.Students also need to set up a place for study online which needs concentration, quiet so they can focus on their work without distraction. Students can choose to study in library where all the material they need as computers, books, have and there s quiet. Students can ask the librarians about technical issues and it will be resolved Immediately. Studying at home also Is a good idea. Students control all their rules at home that make them easier to set time for study when their family go out, or study at midnight then students are set free out of interferences.They will feel more comfortable to focus on studying. Next, students should study actively, they cannot wait for help when they got a trouble, they need ask for help as soon as possible. When they get a different subject or the professors explain something Is not bviously, students could be confused, lost. Students need to type, email, and find the answers they need. This is not a time to be scare or embarrassing to show their opinion. In addition, practice is a key for student to succeed, the more they practice the better result they gain.Most think online course are easier than normal courses. It Is big difference. Times for students to study are reduced and the courses go 1 OF2 where students face to face instruction. They have to practice more from the internet resource or from the text book by themselves to reinforce their knowledge and study well in the online courses. Finally, students should be optimistic. During the course, getting a low grade is one thing they might not prevent.Professor could consider them to taking a full course because their grade, their trouble but before the end students don not give up. Sticking with purposes, goals were set when taking the course. They need to learn from the errors to get better. If students made a mistake, do not ignore or avoid it, they should try to fix it by themselves, as k somebody like classmates, professors and if they cannot help, try to do a research in the internet, try the best they can to find the answers. Taking time and thinking positive to practice and improve will help students are successful.Online courses open more the opportunity for students to attend in school. They can succeed their goals like to improve their skills, reinforce knowledge, and get a degree. Online courses provide advantages for students such as flexible in doing assignment, no sitting in class, balance a Job and class. However, it also challenges students who first attend in the online course. Basic computing skills, create a schedule time, and study optimistically will help students improve the chances to achieve success in online college courses.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

C# Step by Step Codes

SREEKANTH C quality BY timber Microsoft optical studio C. force kayoed shade By graduation 1 SREEKANTH C flavor BY mea certain(predicate) Introduction Microsoft opthalmic C is a powerful still ejecte(a) oral communication beated primarily at developers creating maskings by development the Microsoft . dismiss role model. It inherits umteen of the outmatch features of C++ and Microsoft optic discountonical, barg whole a couple of(prenominal) of the inconsistencies and anachronisms, egressing in a cleaner and lots(prenominal) logical langu days. The advent of C 2. 0 has visitn several important peeled features geted to the langu succession, including Generics, Iterators, and give a focussing little manners.The training purlieu provided by Microsoft opthalmic studio a art objectment 2005 maintains these powerful features easily to employment, and the many peeled wizards and enhancements included in ocular studio a theatrical rolement 2005 toilet te greatly re volt-ampereiance your productivity as a developer. The aim of this book is to t severally you the fundamentals of disciplineing with C by employ ocular studio a exposement 2005 and the . NET manakin. You go a sprint identify the features of the C language, and accordingly ha make senseuate them to fix practical drills architectural planmes trialning on the Microsoft Windows operating system.By the epoch you come this book, you leave behind gull a thorough murdering of C and later onmath bring apply it to shew Windows Forms utilizations, recover Microsoft SQL Server da yellow journalismases, develop ASP. NET blade instinctive coverings, and advance and consume a ne bothrk service. dowery I Introducing Microsoft visual C and Microsoft optic studio 2005 Chapter 1 pleasing to C subsequentlywards completing this chapter, you get out be adequate to Use the visual studio apartment 2005 computer de theater surround. get a C locker practise. Use cognomen c anyingpaces. get a C Windows Forms application. Microsoft optical C is Microsofts powerful, comp starnt-oriented language.C p frames an important role in the computer architecture of the Microsoft . NET Framework, and many people concord drawn comparisons to the role that C vie in the schooling of UNIX. If you al spry distinguish a language much(prenominal) as C, C++, or Java, youll find the sentence structure of C reassuringly familiar beca wasting disease it utilisations the aforesaid(prenominal) wavy brackets to delimit blocks of calculate. However, if you argon employ to political plat nervous strainming in early(a) languages, you should short be able to pick up the syntax and feel of C you nifty engage to envision over to put the curly brackets and semi-colons in the right come forth. Hopefully this is simply the book to help youIn trip I, youll consumption up the fundamentals of C. Youll reveal how to decl be inconsistents and how to unclutter utilize of per tierers such(prenominal) as plus (+) and disconfirming (-) to give rise determine. Youll put iodine over how to import habitueity actings and pass arguments to modes. Youll mistakablely learn how to aim leadion debates such as if and iteration averments such as while. Finall(a)y, youll understand how C utilisations censures to handle errors in a graceful, docile-to- accustom manner. These topics take a shit the core of C, and from this comforting foundation, youll progress to to a greater extent than advanced features in Part II d nonp atomic number 18il Part VI. 2 SREEKANTH C cadence BY whole t iodinBeginning political scheduling with the opthalmic studio apartment 2005 sur gos visual studio apartment 2005 is a tool-rich computer course of instructionming environment retaining all the functionality youll need to piss large or small C find outs. You give the sack even throw frames that seamle ssly connect modules from take issueent languages. In the out sterilize solve, youll sw bequeath the optic studio apartment 2005 programming environment and learn how to wee-wee a console application. take a crap a console application in visual studio 2005 1. In Microsoft Windows, wrap up the low freeing, organise to solely Programs, and t he reviewerore channel to Microsoft ocular studio apartment 2005. 2. blabber the Microsoft optical Studio 2005 icon. visual Studio 2005 starts. NOTE If this is the beginning(a) snip that you concur visitation visual Studio 2005, you ability divulge a negotiation stroke revolutioniseing you to choose your negligence development environment confinetings. opthalmic Studio 2005 goat tailor itself according your p quotered development language. The variant negotiation concussi integritys and tools in the integrate development environment (IDE) entrust become their default make outions set for the language you 3 SREEKANTH C footprint BY tone choose. remove optic C ontogeny Settings from the heed, and and thus frank the make visual Studio push.After a short delay, the ocular Studio 2005 IDE bug outs. 3. On the deposit transportation, specify to revolutionary(a), and accordingly andiron date. The saucily cipher duologue loge breaks. This dialog box allows you to create a new ascertain utilize variant templates, such as Windows activity, Class Library, and comfort Application, that specify the case of application you penury to create. NOTE The factual templates available dep destination on the fluctuation of visual Studio 2005 you argon victimisation. It is overly possible to define new go for templates, simply that is beyond the scope of this book. 4.In the Templates pane, bounder the ca hive awayet Application icon. 5. In the berth field, slip C memorials and SettingsYour workMy DocumentsMicrosoft raise upVisual CSharp metre by ill-treatChapter 1. transpose the schoolbook YourName in this rails with your Windows drug substance absubstance ab put onr telephone. To save a s of space by dint ofout the rest of this book, we provide simply refer to the path CDocuments and SettingsYourNameMy Documents as your My Documents pamphlet. 4 SREEKANTH C standard BY ill- use up NOTE If the brochure you specify does non exist, Visual Studio 2005 creates it for you. 6. In the Name field, guinea pig textual matter hi. . plug that the work Directory for dissolving agent check box is thronevas and thus(prenominal) cad OK. The new hurtle opens. The menu bar at the top of the screen provides entre to the features youll use in the programming environment. You displace use the accountboard or the computer nobble to access the menus and dominates b atomic tally 18ly as you smoke in all Windows-based programs. The toolbar is regain beneath the menu bar and provides liberation shortcuts to gestate on the arou nd often apply commands. The tag and text editor in chief windowpanepanepane occupying the main part of the IDE video viewings the limit of artificial lake information selective information loads.In a multi- shoot go for, distri yetively kickoff institutionalise has its birth tab checked with the light upon of the drop a liner filing cabinet. You send away retick the tab once to bring the sur phoned ascendant file to the foreground in the autograph and school text editor program window. The ancestor explorer pageants the label of the files associated with the project, among otherwise circumstances. You peck withal retroflex- photograph a file name in the settlement Explorer to bring that stem file to the foreground in the line of battle and textual matter editor in chief window. 5 SREEKANTH C clapperclaw BY stones throw to begin with writing the legislation, find the files tendencyed in the stem Explorer, which Visual Studio 2005 h as created as part of your project Solution text howdy This is the top-level endant file, of which in that respect is one per application. If you use Windows Explorer to date at your My DocumentsVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1 schoolbook hello tract, youll see that the actual name of this file is text editionHello. sln. individually final core file strikes references to one or to a greater extent project files. schoolbookHello This is the C project file. Each project file references one or to a greater extent files waiting the solution engrave and other items for the project. all told the get-go enter in a single project essentialiness be indite in the kindred programming language.In Windows Explorer, this file is actually called textHello. csproj, and it is fundd in your My DocumentsVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1 school textHellotextHello cusp. Properties This is a folder in the schoolbookHello project. If you expand it, you lead see that it c ontains a file called AssemblyInfo. cs. AssemblyInfo. cs is a finical file that you send word use to convey attributes to a program, such as the name of the author, the date the program was scripted, and so on. in that respect ar redundant attributes that you butt joint use to modify the way in which the program leave alone go.These attributes are outface the scope of this book. References This is a folder that contains references to roll upd tag that your application base use. When principle is compiled, it is converted into an assemblage and given a unique name. Developers use assemblies to package up effective dapples of computer offeron that they accommodate compose for distribution to other developers that might wish to use them in their applications. Many of the features that you provide be utilize when writing applications apply this book volition make use of assemblies provided by Microsoft with Visual Studio 2005. Program. csThis is a C obtain f ile, and is the one pageanted in the enactment and schoolbook editor window when the project is outset created. You depart write your command in this file. It contains some engrave that Visual Studio 2005 provides mechanically, which you will examine shortly. writing Your First Program The Program. cs file defines a elucidate called Program that contains a rule called principal(prenominal). all told orders mustiness be defined in spot a descriptorify. The main(prenominal) regularity is specialit de houseates the programs opening degree. It must be a atmospherics method. (Methods are discussed in 6 SREEKANTH C dance step BY whole tone Chapter 3, Writing Methods and Applying Scope. Static methods are discussed in Chapter 7, Creating and Managing Classes and Objects. The Main method is discussed in Chapter 11, Understanding disputation Arrays. ) IMPORTANT C is a case-sensitive language. You must spell Main with a great(p) M. In the sideline exercises, youl l write the inscribe to boast the content Hello origination in the console youll design and run your Hello existence console application youll learn how callpaces are used to division label elements. Write the code exploitation IntelliSense technology 1. In the mandate and text edition editor program window displaying the Program. s file, place the cursor in the Main method by and by the opening brace, and suit console table. As you qualitycast the letter C at the start of the word Console an IntelliSense tendency keep backs. This hear contains all of the validated C keywords and selective information fibresetters cases that are valid in this context. You basis either abide typing, or scroll through the be given and prongy- bust the Console item with the mouse. Alternatively, subsequently you invite caused Con, the Intellisense hear will mechanically home in on the Console item and you can beseech the Tab, get down, or Spacebar key to select it. Main should calculate a ilk this passive lift Main( gear args) Console NOTE Console is a built-in menage that contains the methods for displaying pass ons on the screen and getting input from the keyboard. 2. role a period immediately after Console. A nonher Intellisense list appears displaying the methods, properties, and fields of the Console class. 3. Scroll down through the list until WriteLine is selected, and and so commove Enter. Alternatively, you can continue typing until WriteLine is selected and thuslyce librate Enter. The IntelliSense list finishings, and the WriteLine method is added to the spring file. Main should forthwith tactile sensation peer this silent cancel Main(string args) Console. WriteLine 4. Type an open parenthesis. A nonher IntelliSense intent appears. This tip displays the parameters of the WriteLine method. In fact, WriteLine is an overloaded method, implication that Console contains more than one method named Write Line. Each versio n of the WriteLine method can be used to getup variant 7 SREEKANTH C measuring BY STEP tokens of entropy. (Overloaded methods are discussed in Chapter 3. ) Main should this instant look a give care(p) this static repress Main(string args) Console. WriteLine( You can poky the tips up and down arrows to scroll through the overloaded versions of WriteLine. . Type a close parenthesis, followed by a semicolon. Main should at a time look like this static cancel Main(string args) Console. WriteLine() 6. Type the string Hello World between the left-hand(a)over wing and right parentheses. Main should right off look like this static fend off Main(string args) Console. WriteLine(Hello World) upside Get into the habit of typing matched book of facts pairs, such as ( and ) and and , forrader selection in their contents. Its easy to forget the gag law character if you wait until after youve entered the contents. 8 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP NOTEYou will frequently see bank notes of code containing both forward reducees followed by frequent text. These are remarks. They are displaced by the compiling program, but are actually useful for developers because they help document what a program is actually doing. For example Console. ReadLine() // Wait for the user to press the Enter key All text from the twain slashes to the end of the line will be skipped by the compiling program. You can likewise add multi-line comments starting with /*. The compiler will skip all(prenominal)thing until it finds a */ sequence, which could be many lines lower down.You are actively encouraged to document your code with as many comments as necessary. prepare and run the console application 1. On the skeletal system menu, twaddle digit Solution. This action causes the C code to be compiled, entrusting in a program that you can run. The takings windows appears downstairs the enter and text edition editor program window. a. fish If the Output window d oes not appear, get through the gaze menu, and then snatch up Output to display it. b. In the Output window, messages similar to the succeeding(a) fancy how the program is being compiled and display the details of any errors that lose 9 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP occurred.In this case thither should be no errors or warnings, and the program should build successfully c. Build started Project textbookHello, condition rectify Any CPU d. Csc. exe /config /nowarn17011702 /errorreport prompt /warn4 e. Compile complete - 0 errors, 0 warnings f. textual matterHello - CDocuments and SettingsJohnMy DocumentsMicrosoft Press g. ============ Build 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ======== h. NOTE An asterisk after the file name in the tab above the rule and school text blue-pencilor window indicates that the file has been channeld since it was last saved.There is no need to manually save the file before twist because the Build Solution command automatically saves t he file. 2. On the correct menu, dangling down split Without rectifyging. A overleap window opens and the program runs. The message Hello World appears, and then the program waits for the user to press any key, as shown in the adjacent graphic 3. Ensure that the play window displaying the program has the focus, and then press Enter. The need window closes and you bribe to the Visual Studio 2005 programming environment. NOTE If you run the program employ go about Debugging on the Debug menu, the pplication runs but the Command window closes immediately without waiting for you to press a key. 4. In the Solution Explorer, get over the textbookHello project (not the solution), and then blackguard Show All Files push. Entries named stack away and obj appear above the C source file call. These entries correspond directly to folders named bin and obj in the project folder (My DocumentsVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1TextHelloTextHello). These folders are created when you build your application, and they contain the executable version of the program and some other files. 10 SREEKANTHC STEP BY STEP 5. 5. In the Solution Explorer, natter the + to the left of the bin entry. Another folder named Debug appears. 6. 6. In the Solution Explorer, finish up the + to the left of the Debug entry. Three entries named TextHello. exe, TextHello. pdb, and TextHello. vshost. exe appear. The file TextHello. exe is the compiled program, and it is this file that runs when you pervade starting signal Without Debugging in the Debug menu. The other two files contain in stageation that is used by Visual Studio 2005 if you run your program in Debug mode (when you chaffer cash in ones chips Debugging in the Debug menu).Command Line compilation You can excessively compile your source files into an executable file manually by victimization the csc command-line C compiler. You must first complete the future(a) steps to set up your environment 1. On the Windows Start m enu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and pass over Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt. A Command window opens, and the envionment inconstants PATH, LIB, and take on are configured to include the pickles of the various . NET Framework libraries and utilities. star You can also run the vcvarsall. at script, dig upd in the CProgram FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VC folder, if you hope to configure the environment transposeables while running in an run-of-the-mill Command Prompt window. 2. In the Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt window, cause the side by side(p) command to go to the My DocumentsMicrosoft PressVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1TextHelloTextHello project folder 3. cd Documents and SettingsYourNameMy DocumentsMicrosoft PressVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1TextHelloTextHello 4. Type the pursuance command csc /outTextHello. exe Program. cs 11 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEPThis command creates the executabl e file TextHello. exe from the C source file. If you dont use the /out command-line option, the executable file takes its name from the source file and is called Program. exe. 5. range the program by typing the chase command TextHello The program should run hardly as before, except that you will not see the Press any key to continue prompt. victimization Namespaces The example you pull in seen so far is a very small program. However, small programs can soon grow into bigger programs. As a program grows, it creates two enigmas. First, more code is harder to understand and maintain than less code.Second, more code usually means more names more named information, more named methods, and more named classes. As the play of names increases so does the likelihood of the project build helplessness because two or more names clash (especially when the program uses third-party libraries). In the past, programmers act to earn the name-clashing problem by prefixing names with some sort of qualifier (or set of qualifiers). This solution is not a good one because its not scalable names become coarseer and you spend less time writing software and more time typing (there is a difference) and tuition and re-reading incomprehensibly great names.Namespaces help solve this problem by creating a named container for other identifiers, such as classes. Two classes with the kindred name will not be up winded with to each one other if they live in different namespaces. You can create a class named Greeting privileged the namespace named TextHello, like this namespace TextHello class Greeting You can then refer to the Greeting class as TextHello. Greeting in your own programs. If person else also creates a Greeting class in a different namespace and installs it on your computer, your programs will still work as evaluate because they are using the TextHello.Greeting class. If you inadequacy to refer the new Greeting class, you must specify that you exigency the class from the new namespace. It is good practice to define all your classes in namespaces, and the Visual Studio 2005 environment follows this testimony by using the name of your project as the toplevel namespace. The . NET Framework Software Developer Kit (SDK) also stupefys to this recommendation every class in the . NET Framework lives wrong(a) a namespace. For 12 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP example, the Console class lives inside the arrangement namespace. This means that its fully do name is actually organisation.Console. Of course, if you had to write the fully qualified name of a class every time, it would be no better that save grant the class SystemConsole. Fortunately, you can solve this problem with a using directive. If you return to the TextHello program in Visual Studio 2005 and look at the file Program. cs in the encipher and Text editor in chief window, you will notice the adjacent(a) relations using System using System. Collections. Generic using System . Text The using account brings a namespace into scope, and you no dourer check to explictly commute objects with the namespace they belong to in the code that follows.The terce namespaces shown contain classes that are used so often that Visual Studio 2005 automatically adds these using disceptations every time you create a new project. You can add further using directives to the top of a source file. The future(a) exercise demonstrates the purpose of namespaces further. Try longhand names 1. In the Code And Text Editor window, comment out the using directive at the top of Program. cs //using System 2. On the Build menu, cross Build Solution. The build fails, and the Output pane displays the following error message twice (once for each use of the Console class)The name Console does not exist in the current context. 3. In the Output pane, echo-click the error message. The identifier that caused the error is selected in the Program. cs source file. full stop The first err or can affect the reliability of subsequent diagnostic messages. If your build has more than one diagnostic message, correct scarce the first one, ignore all the others, and then rebuild. This strategy flora best if you take put forward your source files small and work iteratively, building frequently. 4. In the Code and Text Editor window, edit the Main method to use the fully qualified name System. Console.Main should look like this static debar Main(string args) System. Console. WriteLine(Hello World) 13 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP NOTE When you type System. , notice how the names of all the items in the System namespace are displayed by IntelliSense. 5. On the Build menu, click Build Solution. The build succeeds this time. If it doesnt, make sure Main is on the nose as it appears in the preceding code, and then try building again. 6. Run the application to make sure it still works by clicking Start Without Debugging on the Debug menu. In the Solution Explorer, click the + to the left of the References entry.This displays the assemblies referenced by the Solution Explorer. An assembly is a library containing code pen by other developers (such as the . NET Framework). In some cases, the classes in a namespace are stored in an assembly that has the same name (such as System), although this does not have to be the casesome assemblies hold more than one namespace. Whenever you use a namespace, you also need to make sure that you have referenced the assembly that contains the classes for that namespace other than your program will not build (or run). Creating a Windows Forms ApplicationSo far you have used Visual Studio 2005 to create and run a basic Console application. The Visual Studio 2005 programming environment also contains everything youll need to create graphical Windows applications. You can design the variate-based user interface of a Windows application interactively by using the Visual boder. Visual Studio 2005 then generates the program rehearsals to implement the user interface youve designed. From this explanation, it follows that Visual Studio 2005 allows you to maintain two views of the application the number imagine and the Code befool.The Code and Text Editor window (showing the program argumentations) doubles as the Design muckle window (allowing you to lay out your user interface), and you can switch between the two views whenever you want. In the following set of exercises, youll learn how to create a Windows program in Visual Studio 2005. This program will display a simple jump containing a text box where you can enter your name and a acquittance that, when clicked, displays a personalized greeting in a message box.You will use the Visual graphic designer to create your user interface by placing obtains on a coordinate inspect the code generated by Visual Studio 2005 use the Visual Designer to budge the go for properties use the Visual Designer to surface the pretend write the code to res pond to a departure click and run your first Windows program. Create a Windows project in Visual Studio 2005 1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project. The New Project dialog box opens. 2. In the Project Types pane, click Visual C. 14 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP 3. In the Templates pane, click the Windows Application icon. . Ensure that the locating field refers to your My DocumentsVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 1 folder. 5. In the Name field, type WinFormHello. 6. In the Solutions field, ensure that Create new Solution is selected. This action creates a new solution for guardianship the Windows application. The alternative, tote up to Solution, will add the project to the TextHello solution. 7. ticktack OK. Visual Studio 2005 closes your current application (prompting you to save it first of necessary) and creates and displays an empty Windows unionize in the Design spatial relation window.In the following exercise, youll use the Visual Designer to add three matchs to the Windows abidance and examine some of the C code automatically generated by Visual Studio 2005 to implement these controls. Create the user interface 1. wiener the tool cabinet tab that appears to the left of the form in the Design opinion. The tool cabinet appears, partially obscuring the form and displaying the various components and controls that you can place on a Windows form. 2. In the toolbox, click the + sign by common land Controls to display a list of controls that are used by some Windows Forms applications. 15 SREEKANTHC STEP BY STEP 3. blackguard tick, and then click the visible part of the form. A Label control is added to the form, and the tool cabinet unthaws from view. be given If you want the Toolbox to remain visible but not hide any part of the form, click the Auto Hide acquittance to the right in Toolbox gloss bar (it looks like a pin). The Toolbox appears permanently on the left side of the Visual Studio 2005 window, and the Design View shrinks to accommodate it. (You might lose a lot of space if you have a low-resolution screen. ) Clicking the Auto Hide button once more causes the Toolbox to disappear again. 4.The Label control on the form is in all likelihood not simply where you want it. You can click and drag the controls you have added to a form to reposition them. Using this technique, move the Label control so that it is positioned towards the upper-left deferral of the form. (The exact placement is not critical for this application. ) 5. On the View menu, click Properties Window. The Properties window appears on the right side of the screen. The Properties window allows you to set the properties for items in a project. It is context sensitive, in that it displays the properties for the currently selected item.If you click anywhere on the form displayed in the Design View, you will see that the Properties windows displays the properties for the form itself. If you click the Label control, the window displays the properties for the label instead. 6. Click the Label control on the form. In the Properties window, take root the Text space, adjustment it from label1 to Enter your name, and then press Enter. On the form, the labels text changes to Enter Your Name. gunpoint By default, the properties are displayed in categories. If you prefer to display the properties in alphabetical order, click the alphabetic button that appears above the properties list. . uncover the Toolbox again. Click TextBox, and then click the form. A TextBox control is added to the form. excise the TextBox control so that it is directly underneath the Label control. lead-in When you drag a control on a form, alignment handles appear automatically when the control becomes adjust vertically or horizontally with other controls. This give you a quick visual cue for do sure that controls are lined up neatly. 8. While the TextBox control is selected, locate the Text property in the Properties window, type here, and then press Enter. On the form, the word here appears in the text box. 9.In the Properties window, find the (Name) property. Visual Studio 2005 gives controls and forms default names, which, although they are a good starting point, are not always very meaningful. deviate the name of the TextBox control to userName. 16 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP NOTE We will talk more al more or less naming dominions for controls and changeables in Chapter 2, schooling with Variables, Operators, and prospects. 10. Display the Toolbox again, click Button, and then click the form. tow the Button control to the right of the TextBox control on the form so that it is aligned horizontally with the text box. 11.Using the Properties window, change the Text property of the Button control to OK. Change its (Name) property to ok. The caption on the button changes. 12. Click the Form1 form in the Design View window. nonice that resize handles (small squares) appear on the lower edge, the right-h and edge, and the righthand rear corner of the form. 13. Move the mouse arrow over the resize handle. The pointer changes to a diagonal double-headed arrow. 14. Hold down the left mouse button, and drag the pointer to resize the form. Stop dragging and release the mouse button when the spacing around the controls is approximately equal.TIP You can resize many controls on a form by selecting the control and dragging one of the resize handles that appears in the corners of the control. Note that a form has only one resize handle, whereas most controls have four (one on each corner). On a form, any resize handles other than the one in the lower-right corner would be superfluous. Also note that some controls, such as Label controls, are automatically sized based on their contents and cannot be resized by dragging them. The form should now look similar to the one in the following graphic. 1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the file Form1. s, and then click View Code. The Form1 . cs source file appears in the Code and Text Editor window. There are now two tabs named Form1. cs above the Code and Text Editor/Design View window. You can click the one suf stubborn with Design to return to Design View window at any time. Form1. cs contains some of the code automatically generated by Visual Studio 2005. You should note the following elements 17 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP o using directives Visual Studio 2005 has written a number of using directives at the top of the source file (more than for the previous example). For example using System. Windows. FormsThe special namespaces contain the classes and controls used when building graphical applicationsfor example, the TextBox, Label, and Button classes. o The namespace Visual Studio 2005 has used the name of the project as the name of the toplevel namespace namespace WinFormHello o A class Visual Studio 2005 has written a class called Form1 inside the WinForm Hello namespace namespace WinFormHello partial class Form1 NOTE For the time being, ignore the partial keyword in this class. I will describe its purpose shortly. This class implements the form you created in the Design View. Classes are discussed in Chapter 7. ) There does not appear to be much else in this classthere is a little bit of code cognize as a constructor that calls a method called InitializeComponent, but nothing else. (A constructor is a special method with the same name as the class. It is executed when the form is created and can contain code to initialize the form. Constructors are also discussed in Chapter 7. ) However, Visual Studio 2005 is playing a sleight of hand and is secrecy a few things from you, as I will now demonstrate. In a Windows Forms application, Visual Studio 2005 actually generates a potentially large amount of code.This code manages public presentations such as 18 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP creating and displaying the form when the application starts, and creating and positioning the vario us controls on the form. However, this code can change as you add controls to a form and change their properties. You are not expected to change this code (indeed, any changes you make are likely to be overwritten the abutting time you edit the form in the Design View), so Visual Studio 2005 hides it from you. To display the hidden code, return to the Solution Explorer, and click the Show All Files button.The bin and obj folders appear, much as they did with the Console application you developed in the first part of this chapter. However, notice that Form1. cs now has a + sign near to it. If you click this + sign, you see a file called Form1. Designer. cs, and a file called Form1. resx. reprise-click the file Form1. Designer. cs to display its contents in the Code and Text Editor window. You will see the remaining code for the Form1 class in this file. C allows you to severalize the code for a class crosswise multiple source files, as long as each part of the class is marked wit h the partial keyword.This file includes a region labelled Windows Form Designer generated code. Expanding this region by clicking the + sign reveals the code created and maintained by Visual Studio 2005 when you edit a form using the Design View window. The actual contents of this file include o The InitializeComponent method This method is mentioned in the file Form1. cs. The assertions inside this method set the properties of the controls you added to the form in the Design View. (Methods are discussed in Chapter 3. ) more or less of the relations in this method that correspond to the actions you coifed using the Properties window are shown below .. clandestine void InitializeComponent() this. label1 = new System. Windows. Forms. Label() this. userName = new System. Windows. Forms. TextBox() this. ok = new System. Windows. Forms. Button() this. label1. Text = Enter your name this. userName. Text = here this. ok. Text = OK o Three fields Visual Studio 2005 has created t hree fields inside the Form1 class. These fields appear near the end of the file secluded System. Windows. Forms. Label label1 19 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP private System. Windows. Forms. TextBox userName private System. Windows. Forms. Button ok .. These fields implement the three controls you added to the form in Design View. (Fields are discussed in Chapter 7. ) It is worth restating that although this file is interesting to look at, you should never edit its contents yourself. Visual Studio 2005 automatically updates this file when you make changes in the Design View. Any code that you need to write yourself should be determined in the Form1. cs file. At this point you might well be enquire where the Main method is and how the form gets displayed when the application runs remember that Main defines the point at which the program starts.In the Solution Explorer, you should notice some other source file called Program. cs. If you double-click this file the following code appear s in the Code and Text Editor window namespace WinFormHello static class Program /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// STAThread static void Main() Application. EnableVisualStyles() Application. Run(new Form1()) You can ignore most of this code. However, the key disputation is Application. Run(new Form1()) This statement creates the form and displays it, whereupon the form takes over. In the following exercise, youll learn how to add code that runs when he OK button on the form is clicked. Write the code for the OK button 1. Click the Form1. csDesign tab above the Code and Text Editor window to display Form1 in the Design View. 2. Move the mouse pointer over the OK button on the form, and then double-click the button. The Form1. cs source file appears in the Code and Text Editor window. Visual Studio 2005 has added a method called ok_Click to the Form1 class. (It has also added a statement to the InitializeComponent method in the Form1. Designer. cs file to au tomatically call ok_Click when the OK button is 20 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP clicked.It does this by using a delegate type delegates are discussed in Chapter 16, Delegates and Events. ) 3. Type the MessageBox statement shown below inside the ok_Click method. The complete method should look like this 4. private void ok_Click(object sender, System. EventArgs e) 5. 6. MessageBox. Show(Hello + userName. Text) figure out sure you have typed this code exactly as shown, including the trailing semicolon. Youre now ready to run your first Windows program. Run the Windows program 1. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. Visual Studio 2005 saves your work, compiles your program, and runs it.The Windows form appears 2. Enter your name, and then click OK. A message box appears welcoming you by name. 3. Click OK in the message box. The message box closes. 4. In the Form1 window, click the be quiet button (the X in the upper-right corner of the form). The Form1 window closes. If you want to continue to the close chapter Keep Visual Studio 2005 running, and turn to Chapter 2. If you want to exit Visual Studio 2005 now On the File menu, click Exit. If you see a Save dialog box, click Yes to save your work. Chapter 1 quick Reference TO Do this KeyCombination 21 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP Create a onsole application new On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project to open the New Project dialog box. For the project type, select Visual C. For the template, select Console Application. assign a directory for the project files in the Location box. Choose a name for the project. Click OK. Create a Windows application new On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project to open the New Project dialog box. For the project type, select Visual C. For the template, select Windows Application. Select a directory for the project files in the location box. Choose a name for the project.Click OK. Build application F6 the On the Build menu, click Build Solut ion. Ctrl+F5 Chapter 2 Working with Variables, Operators, and rules After completing this chapter, you will be able to Understand statements, identifiers, and keywords. Use varyings to store in initializeion. Work with early data types. Use arithmetic factors such as the plus sign (+) and the minus sign (). Increment and decrement covariant stars. In Chapter 1, Welcome to C, you intentional how to use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 programming environment to build and run a console program and a Windows Forms application.In this chapter, youll be introduced to the elements of Microsoft Visual C syntax and semantics, including statements, keywords, and identifiers. Youll mull over the unmannered types that are built into the C language and the characteristics of the nourishs that each type holds. Youll also see how to obligate and use local inconstants ( shiftings that exist only at heart a function or other small section of code), learn nigh the arithmetic a ctors that C provides, learn how to use operators to manipulate evaluates, and learn how to control flavors containing two or more operators. Understanding StatementsA statement is a command that performs an action. Statements are found inside methods. Youll learn more nigh methods in Chapter 3, Writing Methods and Applying Scope, but for now, venture of a method as a named sequence of statements inside a class. Main, which was introduced in the previous chapter, is an example of a method. Statements in C must follow a well-defined set of rules. These rules are conjointly known as syntax. (In contrast, the specification of what statements do is collectively known as semantics. ) atomic number 53 of the simplest and most important C syntax rules states 22 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP hat you must suppress all statements with a semicolon. For example, without its terminating semicolon, the following statement wont compile Console. WriteLine(Hello World) TIP C is a free format langua ge, which means that white space, such as a space character or a new line, is not probatory except as a separator. In other words, you are free to lay out your statements in any style you choose. A simple, consistent layout style makes a program easier to read and understand. The trick to programming well in any language is learning its syntax and semantics and then using the language in a natural and idiomatic way.This approach makes your programs readable and easy to modify. In the chapters throughout this book, youll see examples of the most important C statements. Using Identifiers Identifiers are the names you use to identify the elements in your programs. In C, you must adhere to the following syntax rules when choosing identifiers You can use only letters (working capital and lowercase), digits, and emphasize characters. An identifier must start with a letter (an underscore is considered a letter). For example, result, _score, footballTeam, and plan9 are all valid identif iers, whereas result%, footballTeam$, and 9plan are not.IMPORTANT C is a case-sensitive language footballTeam and FootballTeam are not the same identifier. Identifying Keywords The C language reserves 77 identifiers for its own use, and you should not reuse these identifiers for your own purposes. These identifiers are called keywords, and each has a contingent meaning. Examples of keywords are class, namespace, and using. Youll learn the meaning of most of the keywords as you proceed through this book. The keywords are listed in the following table. abstract break char continue do moment finally foreach in is as byte checked ten-fold double explicit fixed goto int ock base case class default else extern vagabond if interface long 23 bool catch const delegate enum specious for implicit internal namespace SREEKANTH new out protected return sizeof struct true ulong using while C STEP BY STEP null override usual sbyte stackalloc switch try unchecked realistic object params reado nly sealed static this typeof dangerous void operator private ref short string throw uint ushort fickle TIP In the Visual Studio 2005 Code and Text Editor window, keywords are washed-out blue when you type them. TIP In the Visual Studio 2005 Code and Text Editor window, keywords are colored blue when you type them.Using Variables A protean is a storage location that holds a observe. You can think of a covariant as a box holding temporary information. You must give each variable in a program a unique name. You use a variables name to refer to the abide by it holds. For example, if you want to store the esteem of the cost of an item in a store, you might create a variable simply called cost, and store the items cost in this variable. Later on, if you refer to the cost variable, the appreciate retrieved will be the items cost that you put there preceding. assigning VariablesYou should adopt a naming convention for variables that help you avoid confusion concerning the vari ables you have defined. The following list contains some superior general recommendations Dont use underscores. Dont create identifiers that differ only by case. For example, do not create one variable named myVariable and another named MyVariable for use at the same time, because it is too easy to get them confused. NOTE Using identifiers that differ only by case can limit the ability to reuse classes in applications developed using other languages that are not case sensitive, such as Visual Basic. Start the name with a lowercase letter.In a multiword identifier, start the uphold and each subsequent word with an uppercase letter. (This is called camelCase notation. ) Dont use Hungarian notation. (Microsoft Visual C++ developers reading this book are probably familiar with Hungarian notation. If you dont know what Hungarian notation is, dont worry about it ) 24 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP IMPORTANT You should treat the first two recommendations as compulsory because they relate to Common Language Specification (CLS) compliance. If you want to write programs that can interoperate with other languages, such as Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, you need to keep up with these recommendations. For example, score, footballTeam, _score, and FootballTeam are all valid variable names, but only the first two are recommended. Declaring Variables Remember that variables are like boxes in memory that can hold a note value. C has many different types of set that it can store and processwhole meter, floating-point numbers racket, and strings of characters, to name three. When you assign a variable, you must specify what type of data it will hold. NOTE Microsoft Visual Basic programmers should note that C does not allow implicit declarations.You must explicitly declare all variables before you can use them if you want your code to compile. You declare the type and name of a variable in a declaration statement. For example, the following statement declares that the variabl e named age holds int (whole number) set. As always, the statement must be terminated with a semi-colon. int age The variable type int is the name of one of the primitive C types integer which is a whole number. (Youll learn about several primitive data types by and by in this chapter. ) After youve declared your variable, you can assign it a value. The following statement assigns age the value 42.Again, youll see that the semicolon is required. age = 42 The equal sign (=) is the assignment operator, which assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. After this assignment, the age variable can be used in your code to refer to the value it holds. The side by side(p) statement writes the value of the age variable, 42, to the console Console. WriteLine(age) TIP If you leave the mouse pointer over a variable in the Visual Studio 2005 Code and Text Editor window, a ToolTip appears telling you the type of the variable. Working with native information Types C has a numbe r of built-in types called primitive data types.The following table lists the most commonly used primitive data types in C, and the ranges of set that you can store in them. 25 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP Data type int Description Size (bits) * carry sample usage Whole numbers 32 int count count = 42 long Whole numbers (bigger range) 64 float Floating-point numbers 32 231 through 2311 263 through 2631 3. 4 ? 1038 double Double accurate) numbers quantitative Monetary values 128 string Sequence of characters 16 bits per Not relevant character char whiz character 16 bool Boolean 8 precision (more 64 floating-point 1. 7 ? 10308 28 significant igures long wait wait = 42L float away away = 0. 42F double trouble trouble = 0. 42 decimal coin coin = 0. 42M string put vest = 42 char grillwork grill = 4 0 through 216 1 bool teeth true or glum teeth delusive = *The value of 216 is 32,768 the value of 231 is 2,147,483,648 and the value of 263 is 9,223,372,036,854,775,808. Unassigned Local V ariables When you declare a variable, it contains a random value until you assign a value to it. This deportment was a rich source of bugs in C and C++ programs that created a variable and used it as a source of information before giving it a value.C does not allow you to use an unassigned variable. You must assign a value to a variable before you can use it, otherwise your program will not compile. This requirement is called the Definite subsidization Rule. For example, the following statements will generate a compile-time error because age is unassigned int age Console. WriteLine(age) // compile time error Displaying Primitive Data Type determine In the following exercise, youll use a C program named PrimitiveDataTypes to demonstrate how several primitive data types work. Display primitive data type values 26SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP 1. Start Visual Studio 2005. 2. On the File menu, point to opened, and then click Project/Solution. The Open Project dialog box appears. 3. Move t o the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 2PrimitiveDataTypes folder in your My Documents folder. Select the file PrimitiveDataTypes. sln and then click Open. The solution loads, and the PrimitiveDataTypes project. Solution Explorer displays the solution and NOTE Solution file names have the . sln suffix, such as PrimitiveDataTypes. sln. A solution can contain one or more projects.Project files have the . csproj suffix. If you open a project rather than a solution, Visual Studio 2005 will automatically create a new solution file for it. If you build the solution, Visual Studio 2005 automatically saves any updated or new files, and you will be prompted to provide a name and location for the new solution file. 4. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. The following application window appears 5. In the Choose A Data type list, click the string type. The value 42 appears in the Sample value box. 6. Click the int type in the list.The value to do appears in the Sam ple value box, indicating that the statements to display an int value still need to be written. 27 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP 7. Click each data type in the list. Confirm that the code for the double and bool types also needs to be completed. 8. Click bar closing the window and stopping the program. Control returns to the Visual Studio 2005 programming environment. Use primitive data types in code 1. Right-click the Form1. cs file in the Solution Explorer and then click View Code. The Code and Text Editor window opens displaying the Form1. cs file. 2.In the Code and Text Editor window, find the show Float Value method listed here private void showFloatValue() float var var = 0. 42F value. Text = 0. 42F TIP To locate an item in your project, point to harness And Replace on the Edit menu and click Quick Find. A dialog box opens asking what you want to research for. Type the name of the item youre flavor for, and then click Find Next. By default, the search is not case-sensitive. I f you want to perform a case-sensitive search, click the + button next to the Find Options label to display additional options, and check the Match Case check box.If you have time, you can experiment with the other options as well. You can also press Ctrl+F (press the Control key, and then press F) to display the Quick Find dialog box rather then usin g the Edit menu. Similarly, you can press Ctrl+H to display the Quick Find and Replace dialog box. The showFloatValue method runs when you click the float type in the list box. This method contains three statements The first statement declares a variable named var of type float. The secant statement assigns var the value 0. 42F. (The F is a type suffix specifying that 0. 2 should be treated as a float value. If you forget the F, the value 0. 42 will be treated as a double, and your program will not compile because you cannot assign a value of one type to a variable of a different type in this way. ) The third statement displays the va lue of this variable in the value TextBox on the form. This statement requires a little bit of your attention. The way in which you display an item in a TextBox is to set its Text property. You did this at 28 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP design time in Chapter 1 using the Properties window. This statement shows ou how to perform the same task programmatically, using the formula value. Text. The data that you put in the Text property must be a string (a sequence of characters), and not a number. If you try and assign a number to the Text property your program will not compile. For this reason, the statement simply displays the text 0. 42F in the TextBox (anything in double-quotes is text, otherwise known as a string). In a real-world application, you would add statements that convert the value of the variable var into a string and then put this into the Text property, but you need to know a little bit more about C and the .NET Framework before we can do that (we will cover data type pa ssages in Chapter 11, Understanding Parameter Arrays, and Chapter 19, Operator Overloading). 3. In the Code and Text Editor window, locate the showIntValue method listed here private void showIntValue() value. Text = to do The showIntValue method is called when you click the int type in the list box. TIP Another way to find a method in the Code and Text Editor window is to click the Members list that appears above the window, to the right. This window displays a list of all the methods (and other items).You can click the name of a member, and you will be taken directly to it in the Code and Text Editor window. 4. Type the following two statements at the start of the showIntValue method, after the open curly brace int var var = 42 The showIntValue method should now look like this private void showIntValue() int var var = 42 value. Text = to do 5. On the Build menu, click Build Solution. a. The build will display some warnings, but no errors. You can ignore the warnings for now. 6 . In the original statement, change the string to do to 42. b. The method should now look exactly like this 9 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP c. private void showIntValue() d. i. int var ii. var = 42 iii. value. Text = 42 e. 7. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. f. The form appears again. g. TIP If you have edit the source code since the last build, the Start Without Debugging command automatically rebuilds the program before starting the application. 8. Select the int type in the list box. Confirm that the value 42 is displayed in the Sample value text box. 9. Click Quit to close the window and stop the program. 10. In the Code and Text Editor window, find the showDoubleValue method. 1. Edit the showDoubleValue method exactly as follows private void showDoubleValue() double var var = 0. 42 value. Text = 0. 42 12. In the Code and Text Editor window, locate the showBoolValue method. 13. Edit the showBoolValue method exactly as follows private void showBoolValue() bool v ar var = false value. Text = false 14. On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. The form appears. 15. In the list, select the int, double, and bool types. In each case, tramp that the correct value is displayed in the Sample value text box. 16. Click Quit to stop the program.Using Arithmetic Operators C supports the regular arithmetic operations you learned in your childhood the plus sign (+) for addition, the minus sign () for subtraction, the asterisk (*) for multiplication, and the forward slash (/) for division. These symbols (+, , *, and /) are called operators as they operate on values to create new values. In the following 30 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP example, the variable moneyPaidToConsultant ends up holding the product of 750 (the daily rate) and 20 (the number of days the consultant was employed) long moneyPaidToConsultant oneyPaidToConsultant = 750 * 20 NOTE The values that an operator operates on are called operands. In the carriage 750 * 20, the * is the ope rator, and 750 and 20 are the operands. Determining an Operators Values Not all operators are applicable to all data types, so whether you can use an operator on a value depends on the values type. For example, you can use all the arithmetic operators on values of type char, int, long, float, double, or decimal. However, with one exception, you cant use the arithmetic operators on values of type string or bool.So the following statement is not allowed because the string type does not support the minus operator (subtracting one string from another would be meaningless) // compile time error Console. WriteLine(Gillingham Manchester City) The exception is that the + operator can be used to concatenate string values. The following statement writes 431 (not 44) to the console Console. WriteLine(43 + 1) TIP You can use the method Int32. analyse to convert a string value to an integer if you need to perform arithmetic computations on values held as strings.You should also be aware that t he type of the result of an arithmetic operation depends on the type of the operands used. For example, the value of the facial gesture 5. 0 / 2. 0 is 2. 5 the type of both operands is double (in C, literal numbers with decimal points are always double, not float, in order to maintain as much accuracy as possible), and so the type of the result is also double. However, the value of the expression 5 / 2 is 2. In this case, the type of both operands is int, and so the type of the result is also int. C always rounds values down in circumstances like this.The situation gets a little more complicated if you mix the types of the operands. For example, the expression 5 / 2. 0 consists of an int and a double. The C compiler detects the mismatch and generates code that converts the int into a double before performing the operation. The result of the operation is therefore a double (2. 5). However, although this works, it is considered unforesightful practice to mix types in this way. C als o supports one less-familiar arithmetic operator the symmetry, or modulus, operator, which is represented by the per centum symbol (%). The result of x % y is the remainder after dividing x by y.For example, 9 % 2 is 1 since 9 divided by 2 is 8, remainder 1. NOTE In C and C++, you cant use the % operator on floating-point values, but you can use it in C. Examining Arithmetic Operators 31 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP The following exercise demonstrates how to use the arithmetic operators on int values using a previously written C program named MathsOperators. Work with arithmetic operators 1. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Project/Solution. Open the MathsOperators project, regain in the Microsoft PressVisual CSharp Step by StepChapter 2MathsOperators folder in your My Documents folder. . On the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging. A form appears on the screen. 3. Type 54 in the left operand text box. 4. Type 13 in the right operand text box. You can now apply an y of the operators to the values in the text boxes. 5. Click the Subtraction option, and then click Calculate. The text in the Expression box changes to 54 13, and 41 appears in the Result box, as shown in the following graphic 6. Click the / Division option, and then click Calculate. The text in the Expression text box changes to 54 / 13, and the number 4 appears in the Result box. In real life, 54 / 13 is 4. 53846 recurring, but this is not real life this is C In C, when you divide one integer by another integer, the result you get back is an integer, as explained earlier. 32 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP 7. Select the % Remainder option, and then click Calculate. The text in the Expression text box changes to 54 % 13, and the number 2 appears in the Result box. This is because the remainder after dividing 54 by 13 is 2 (54 ((54 / 13) * 13) is 2 if you do the arithmetic rounding down to an integer at each stagemy old maths get the hang at school would be horrified to be told that (54 / 13) * 13 does not equal 54 . 8. Practice with other combinations of numbers and operators. When youre finished, click Quit. The program stops, and you return to the Visual Studio 2005 programming environment. Now take a look at the MathsOperators program code. Examine the MathsOperators program code 1. Display the Form1 form in the Design View window (click the Form1. csDesign tab if necessary). TIP You can quickly switch between the Design View window and the Code and Text Editor displaying the code for a form by pressing the F7 key. 2. In the View menu, point to Other Windows and then click Document scheme.The Document Outline window appears showing the names and types of the controls on the form. If you click each of the controls on the form, the name of the control is highlighted in the Document Outline window. 33 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP IMPORTANT Be careful not to accidentally delete or change the names of any controls on the form while viewing them in the Document Outl ine window. The application will no longer work if you do. 3. Click the the two TextBox controls that the user types numbers into on the form. In the Document Outline window, verify that they are named lhsOperand and rhsOperand.When the form runs, the Text property of each of these controls holds (as strings) the numeric values you enter. 4. Towards the bottom of the form, verify that the TextBox control used to display the expression being evaluated is named expression, and that the TextBox control used to display the result of the calculation is named result. At runtime, background the Text property of a TextBox control to a string value causes that value to be displayed. 5. Close the Document Outline window. 6. Press F7 to display the Form1. cs source file in the Code and Text Editor window. 7.In the Code and Text Editor window, locate the subtractValues method private void subtractValues() int lhs = int. Parse(lhsOperand. Text) int rhs = int. Parse(rhsOperand. Text) int outcom e outcome = lhs rhs expression. Text = lhsOperand. Text + + rhsOperand. Text result. Text = outcome. ToString() The first statement in this method declares an int variable called lhs and initializes it to the result of the explicit conversion of the lhsOperand. Text property to an int. (The Text property of a TextBox is a string, and must be converted to an integer before you can store it in an int. This is what the int.Parse method does) The second statement declares an int variable called rhs and initializes it to the result of the explicit conversion of the rhsOperand. Text property to an int. The third statement declares an int variable called outcome. The fourth statement subtracts the value of the rhs variable from the value of the lhs variable, and the result is assigned to outcome. The 5th statement concatenates three strings (using the + operator) and assigns the result to the expression. Text property. The sixth statement converts the int value of outcome to a string by using the ToString method, and assigns the string to the result.Text property. 34 SREEKANTH C STEP BY STEP The Text Property and the ToString Method I mentioned earlier that TextBox controls displayed on a form have a Text property that allows you to access the displayed contents. For example, the expression result. Text refers to the contents of the result text box on the form. Text boxes also have many other properties, such as the location and size of the text box on the form. You will learn more about properties in Chapter 14, Implementing Properties to Access Attributes. Every class has a ToString method.The purpose of ToString is to convert an object into its string representation. In the previous example, the ToString method of the integer object, outcome, is used to convert the integer value of outcome into the equivalent string value. This conversion is necessary because the value is displayed in the Text property of the result fieldthe Text property can only contain s trings. When you Controlling Precedence Precedence governs the order in which an expressions operators are evaluated. Consider the following expression, which uses the + and * operators 2+3*4This expression is potentially ambiguous does 3 bind to the + operator on its le